Mishnah Berura (Dirshu cycle)

10 Episodes

By: Rabbi Eli Markowitz

lways wanted to learn Mishnah Berura? Don't let it sit on the shelf for aesthetic purposes! Now you can learn the Mishneh Berura following the Dirshu cycle of an amud Yomi. The shiur will cover some background information, the Shulchan Aruch, Mishneh Berura, and select psakim from contemporary poskim. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.

Siman 251 seif 1 Logging in some work hours on Friday afternoon (Dirshu MB #631)
Last Sunday at 10:06 PM

Siman 250 seif 2 Cleaning the house for Shabbos (Dirshu MB #630)
Last Sunday at 9:07 PM

Siman 250 seif 1 Remembering shabbos every time you eat (Dirshu MB #629)

Siman 249 seif 4 When is the fast over on Friday (Dirshu MB #628)

Siman 249 seif 2-3 Eating a meal right before shabbos (Dirshu MB #627)

Siman 249 seif 2 "Toiamehu" (Dirshu MB #626)

Siman 249 seif 1 Surprising your in-laws for shabbos (Dirshu MB #625)

Siman 248 seif 4 Business travel (Dirshu MB #624)

Siman 248 seif 2-3 Considerations at sea (Dirshu MB #623)

Siman 248 seif 1 Going on a cruise (Dirshu MB #622)