It's All My Fault

10 Episodes


Hello universe! As always, my greatest hope in this lifetime is to somehow, some way, get the chance to see you performing at your absolute best. That day may not be today... I get it. The seas have been a little choppy lately. Best to appreciate today in whatever ways you can because we haven't bottomed out yet. Worse is coming. Plainly stated it's become a flustercuck. One that's emerging right now in full cluster. The worst part is that I saw it happening in real time and did nothing to stop it. The blame falls directly on me. And...

I say why?

Hello universe.

Happy day-after-Bastille-day.

I hope this finds you well. In fact I hope this finds you exuberant about the upside of manifesting into the human experience.

Because if you're not already in that space, I cannot see this recording moving you into that space.

I feel like I should let you know that before we get too far into things and I start sleeping with your sister.

Ya know?


Episode 21 of 53

I love my life. I love it.

I'm still so spent from my birthday fortnight, not to mention the 6-pack that just ended yesterday... wow what a life I'm having.

Anyhow, given how blown away living in the moment has been, I hope you can forgive me for not being composed enough to attach something useful here. What else is new?


As always, you have much better things to be doing with your life than listening to me.

So get on with it.



Episode 20 of 53

Up to the challenge I am.

This one felt a lot like the lull before the episode 500 storm.

Just call me Edmonton - not quite up to the challenge but more than willing to make it look closer than it really was.

Or... or call me Florida.

No wait.

Never call me Florida.



I beg of you.

Edmonton sure.

But Florida?



Episode 19 of 53

I don't know... you lose something in there don't ya?

Blah blah blah.

Enough already about the comic book universe am I write Wolvie?


Yeah you are.

But at the same time.

A little framing to help make that stupidity sensible wouldn't be the worst thing you've done lately so... let's just say if that's what you're up to here, we might just have to give it a listen.

Or not.

I mean not, as always, NOT remains the better option.


Episode 18 of 53

I love you Em. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Emily!

Tis the day ye came to life herea all those years back in history!

If I wered to take this one more verse I'd for surely say.

That this day is one I hope meets all your dreams in every way.

Happy Birthday Little Sis!


Episode 17 of 53

Oooh do I like getting breakfast made for me.

Alright alright right on.

I agree.

After all the time I took away from corporate american life, I owe you the story of what roped me back in.

So, here you go.


Episode 16 of 53

Oh my god I love my neighbors!

Being out of weed, officially, makes the recent gaps in my recording output more understandable. I hope. Plus I've been out getting to know my neighbors and enjoying the hell out of the process.

Even so...

that doesn't keep me from taking the stupid people to task in this one...

over and over again.

As I'm known to do, I bring a solution to the table that might help remove some of that fog of stupidity currently descending on the United States of America.

But of course...

that would require my fellow Americans...

You wanna talk about chop suey... hmmm?

I admit, in a life lived as stress free as the one I'm currently layin' down, I often have the self-realization just how damn lucky I am. Especially as an American.

Who is totally broke.And currently jobless.

And yet... when it comes to saving the soul of humanity... well there, at least, I'm making progress.

However finding a job would still be sweet.SUPERSWEET even.

Wait. Whoa whoa waitup.

Nah... I didn't mean that.

It's only gonna be sweet.

Sorry for getting overly enthusiastic about working in America.


Here at number 490 I'm ready to take a break.

At times I find myself wandering without purpose on these recordings.

I'm certain you agree.

Unexpectedly, this one felt rather on point.

For the most part.

Having not listened to it I feel rather "out-on-a-limby" here, but toot my own horn I will... if only to suffer the consequences later.

If that's the game we're playing,

I'm in.

Where do I sign?


Episode 13 of 53

We do not need to take this any further.

If you and I were just sittin' around chit-chattin' about not much and the direction of our dialogue detoured into considerations like what are some of the least respectful ways you can imagine closing out a recording... well I think the top of my list might land squarely where the end of this recording finds itself.

I really wish I'd have been paying attention in real time on this point of sharing too much...

But nope.

Not even a little bit.

Not even a little bit.


Episode 12 of 53