Embody Your Soul

10 Episodes

By: Alexandra Marie Shelly

Welcome to the Embody Your Soul podcast. Your host, Alexandra Shelly, also known as The Modern Medium, invites you to get comfy and talk about how we can connect to our True Self, our divine calling, in order to embody your soul, through spiritual connection and best practices. Topics will include her work in Psychic Mediumship, Reiki, Channeling, spiritual modalities, Intuition, all while embracing the messiness of existence. Alexandra welcomes guests of various industry expertise and change-makers on the podcast to invite wisdom into our journey. Tune in every Wednesday and/or Friday wherever you get your podcast. If you'd...

EP 094: Timeline shifts, tapping into "future self," & making authentic decisions w/ Shamanic Practitioner & Author, Leilani
Last Wednesday at 7:00 AM

Ah! It’s a threads love story.. I found this gorgeous queen on threads through her INSANE post on timelines, and the rest is history. Leilani Mañulu is a modern shaman, author, podcaster, and speaker/storyteller specializing in activating Earth Angel leaders into their soul-led purposes.

In this episode we talk about: 

undestanding timelinestimeline jumps and or shifts grief that comes with shifitng timelines honoring each stage tapping into other timelines creating change in the world living authentically

Leilani Bio:

Leilani Mañulu is a modern shaman, author, podcaster, and speaker/storyteller...

EP 093: My dating portal; what I'm doing different, what I'm learning, how I'm navigating triggers, all the goods.

I like to call this my dating portal, because it's my initiation into meeting my soulmate. I know the process is triggering and uncomfortable at times, but I want to do everything I can to also squeeze every drop out of this process. In this episode, I talk about:

Why I'm in the 'dating portal'Soulmate union (EP 089)How I'm handling when triggers come up Dating doesn't need to be insufferable. It can be pleasurable, fun and full of discovery 9/10 of the men I will go on a date with aren't my soulmate, so I am in discovery along...

EP 092: The Return of Rachel White, The Skeptic Shaman: spiritual integrity, how to spot & not be a "culty" spiritual practitioner

Rachel White is back baby!!! In this episode, we talk about:

Safe practitioners Culty practitioners Spiritual integritySpirituality should feel goodWhen spiritual practices are unsafeHow do to know if you feel safe with a practitioner

Rachel White Bio:

Rachel isn’t your typical shaman—she’s a former corporate powerhouse turned spiritual guide for the “spiritually homeless” (the ones who roll their eyes at crystals but secretly wonder if they work). Known as “The Skeptical Shaman,” Rachel brings over 20 years of corporate experience combined with a rich knowledge of the World of Woo. She has a passion for dem...

EP 091: Feel confident in trusting your intuitive vessel, aka, the body. Introducing The Intuitive Path.

The Intuitive Path is a 6-month container that helps you feel safety within your body, in order to trust your intuition. Our bodies are divine, intuitive vessels, and it is our birthright to unlock this. The more safety and trust you feel within your body, the more confident and connected you are to your intuition. This container includes:

psychic mediumship reiki healings / integration healings trauma-informed mindfulness practicesbody trauma liberation (a very simple sequence of gentle movements that allow you to move through locked emotion, that your mind would have trouble doing otherwise)breathwork somatics (body mapping, tuning into...

EP 090: Tap into your delicious, divine feminine energy w/ Feminine Energy & Polarity Mentor, Trinity Searle

Yay! Hello everyone and welcome to this incredible episode. I'm so excited for you all to meet Trinity. She is an aspiring masculine/feminine polarity mentor with a passion for helping women tap into their divine feminine and learn how to cultivate polarity in relationships in today's world.

We came across each other on socials, I just fell in love with her warm, genuine and clear energy. She breaks this topic down in a way that's very uncluttered.

Check out her Free Feminine Energy Practices on her IG: @femininitywithtrinity

In this episode, we t...

EP 089: What is SacredUnion, how to know if you are meant for it, understand karmic bonds vs. soulmate bonds & what it takes to connect with your soulmate w/ Matchmaker, Theta Healer & Soulmate Guide w/ Issy Beham

Have you been manifesting, mantra-ing to the MAX to connect with your soulmate?! Okay this is your episode and this is your GIRL.

Isabella Beham is a Matchmaker, Soulmate Guide and Theta Healer. She is hear to activate the divine codes within us, and lead us back to our sovereignty and our soulmate.

In this episode, we talk about:

What is sacred union?What is a soulmate?How do you know you incarnated with sacred union codes?Karmic bonds vs. soulmate bondsWhat if you don't believe you're meant to meet your soulmate?What do...

EP 088: 7 reasons why your bad days are some of your best days.

Our bad days are our good days. And this is not to bypass the pain you are going through. This is not to say, YAY YOUR DEVASTATION IS AMAZING, or to say you deserve it. What I hope with this episode is that you see the beauty in you and the beauty that comes from it.

In this episode I talk about:

You recognize your resilienceYour learn more about yourselfYou feel so damn good after overcoming itYou recognize how wise you are / how much you have learnedPain is wisdom

Let me support you! Head...

EP 087: Here's why you may not be feeling spirit as strongly & what to do about it.

In this episode I discuss:

4 reasons why you may not be feeling spirit as stronglyWhat it means and what to do about it

Other episodes I recommend!

EP 041

EP 037


Ways to feel supported by me HERE

Follow me on Instagram HERE

EP 086: 14 signs you feel emotionally unsafe in a romantic relationship (what I've learned so far & when they're objectively a good person).

This episode was very much inspired and requested by a few audience members. I posted this threads, and it went viral! I knew I had to dive deeper and expand on this topic.

In this episode, I talk about:

what does it mean to feel emotionally safe?how do you know you feel emotionally unsafe with someone?how to trust your intuition practices for moving through emotional unsafetypractices for establishing emotional safety with yourselfsome differences between feeling emotionally safe vs emotionally unsafe.

To feel supported by me, head to my website HERE to book...

EP 085: Become your most magnetic self no matter what w/ Life + Energy Coach, CiiCii

I can't EVEN!! CiiCii is right now one of my all time favorite practitioners. She is a Life & Energy Coach and newly published author of her book, Show Up As Her. I have been following her for over a year, and I have saved almost every single one of her videos. I read her book IMMEDIATELY after my breakup (April 2024), and I have been listening to her podcast, That Bitch is Positive every time I need a hype-girl energy boost.

In this episode we talk about..

Breakups The pedestal concept Confidence vs. narcissism you came here to...