Sue's Healthy Minutes with Sue Becker | The Bread Beckers

10 Episodes

By: Sue Becker

At The Bread Beckers, Inc, we believe that what passes for food today bears little resemblance to the living organisms God created. Fatigue, sinus problems, constipation, high cholesterol and even warts are just some of the conditions that many suffer with, from eating foods that our bodies were never meant to process. Sue's Healthy Minutes Podcast is an extension of The Bread Beckers, Inc. Sue Becker, Founder, is a Food Scientist with over thirty years of experience in the food industry. Here, she discusses the nutritional science behind the foods that we eat today and reveals how simply eating real...

127: Necessity - The Mother of Invention, A Personal Story
Last Monday at 4:00 AM

Sue Becker recounts a recent trip to Tanzania, which leads to a deeply personal and humbling story about the healing power of Bentonite Clay.

Links mentioned in this episode: 

Redmond Bentonite Clay 10 oz jar

Redmond Bentonite Clay 6 lb bulk bag

Use of clay protocol for C.diff

The Healing Power Of Clay, with Darryl Bosshardt


126: Living Out Loud Podcast Interviews Sue Becker

Alley Bell and Amanda Reed, host of Living Out Loud Podcast, have a heart to encourage women to find freedom to share their stories. Recently, our very own Sue Becker had the wonderful privilege of sharing her own story with their listeners, and Alley and Amanda were gracious to allow us to share this recording with all of you.

Be sure to check out the Living Out Loud Podcast. Follow and Like them on Instagram - @livingoutloudalleyandamanda

Knead Your Cure Conference -


125: Food Freedom


Isaiah 61:1 says, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the gospel and to proclaim liberty to the captives (both physical and spiritual)."

In hopes of "proclaiming liberty to the captives," Sue Becker shares her thoughts on real food freedom. Many people have consistently expressed their belief that they need to be gluten-free, embracing this lifestyle wholeheartedly. Initially, they found some relief, which solidified their conclusion that this was the solution; however, as they continued this lifestyle, they began to develop sensitivities to other foods and soon f...

124: Do Not Eat the Bread of Idleness - Replay

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I used to make all my bread, but then we just got so busy?" If so, this episode is for YOU!

Over the years, we have heard many stories about how some were once milling wheat and making bread. Then, other things ended up getting in the way - leaving little to no time for doing the very thing that was giving their bodies the nourishment it needed. And, unfortunately, their health began to suffer because of it.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 tells us to "hold fast to what is good," and tod...

123: The Truth About Lectins - Replay

Sue Becker addresses and debunks another myth that has flooded social media and other health-eating outlets for the past few years.

Dr. Steven Gundry, author of the book, The Plant Paradox, claims that lectins adversely impact good gut organisms, compromise digestion, promote inflammation, and even boldly claims that lectins are the biggest dietary danger to our health and may even be killing us. Sue gives logical reasons why this information is simply not true!

LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast here or from any podcasting platform such as, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Alexa, Siri...

122: The Role of Water - Replay

Summer often gives us a break from our normal routines and is usually filled with more outside activities. While these hot, fun-in-the-sun activities make summer more enjoyable – these activities also make it more important to stay fully hydrated.

Without hydration, human beings simply could not survive, and of all forms of nourishment, water is the most vital. Water is essential for our hydration and for many bodily processes. It is also a vital source of minerals.

LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast here or from any podcasting platform such as, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Alexa...

121: It's the Bread Story, with guest, Laura Heath

Laura Heath's unwavering dedication to "spread the bread" has been extraordinary. Her compassion and love for others have profoundly impacted countless lives. We often underestimate the transformative power of diligently sharing REAL BREAD with those around us, yet it can significantly improve their health and the well-being of their families and loved ones.

LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast here or from any podcasting platform such as, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Alexa, Siri, or anywhere podcasts are played.

Also listen to:

Sarah McKelvey -


120: Real Bread Will Travel - Replay

During her trip to Tanzania, Sue Becker tackles the question, "What bread do you take with you when you travel?" In this episode of Sue's Healthy Minutes, Sue not only answers this question but also reassures us that traveling with REAL bread is way easier than one might think.

LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast here or from any podcasting platform such as, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Alexa, Siri, or anywhere podcasts are played.


red Recipe Collection Cookbook -

Essential Home-Ground Flour Book - https...

119: Memorial Day - The True Meaning

Sue Becker shares a special Memorial Day episode - explaining the history and true meaning of this celebrated holiday. She also urges us to take a moment, on this upcoming Memorial Day, to remember those who have fought for our freedom and to thank God for those who have died for the freedoms we get to continue to enjoy in our great nation.

LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast here or from any podcasting platform such as, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Alexa, Siri, or anywhere podcasts are played.

For more information on the benefits...

118: It's the Bread Story, with guest, Mary Crews

Two-time cancer survivor, Mary Crews, shares with Sue Becker, her amazing story of hope and physical restoration, with REAL BREAD! While doing everything possible to get her cholesterol and diabetes under control, Mary and her nutritionist seemed to be running out of options. That is, until a good friend was kind enough to "spread the bread."  Now, with lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, Mary has never felt better!

LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast here or from any podcasting platform such as, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Alexa, Siri, or anywhere podcasts are played.
