Cedar Point Recovery - Weekly Messages
Cedar Point Recovery is a ministry of Cedar Point Church. We are a Christ centered recovery program where we believe that a relationship with Jesus is essential to finding success on the road to recovery. We believe that we are not powerless in our situations and with the help of Jesus, the ultimate story changer, we have the ability to change. We look forward to journeying with you on your road to recovery! Connect with Cedar Point Recovery FACEBOOK: @CPCRecovery INSTAGRAM: CedarPoint.Recovery WEBSITE: www.cedarpoint.church Email: Aaron@cedarpoint.church
Why Recovery? Reaching the Hurting, Broken, and Lost // Aaron Shaw
Everyone has areas of their life, past and present, that they need to learn to navigate and heal from. Recovery is that place, where we can find freedom and success over the things holding them back. Join us today as we look at the importance of the recovery ministry and why we should make every effort to meet people right where they are at.
Living the Dream
Comfort and complacency are dangerous ground for anyone wanting to pursue God and grow towards His purpose. Unfortunately, that seems to be the place many strive and seek to arrive, they want “to get there”. God’s word is clear though, he continues a work in us until the very end. So if we are not growing, we have not positioned ourselves to receive from Him.
The Advent of Love // Aaron Shaw
The coming of Jesus significantly changed the concept of love by presenting a radical, unconditional love that called people to love their enemies, prioritize the needs of the marginalized, and actively serve others, essentially demonstrating a love that went beyond personal relationships and encompassed all people, regardless of their circumstances; this is often summarized in the "new commandment" to "love one another as I have loved you.".
The Advent of Joy // Aaron Shaw
In today’s culture we are encouraged to pursue what makes us happy. The problem with that is that happiness is fleeting. It’s based on external circumstances and in a world where hardship is guaranteed, it can never last. Joy, though, is the act of responding to external circumstances with inner contentment and satisfaction. Contentment and satisfaction that’s centered on Jesus.
The Advent of Peace // Aaron Shaw
Through the reign and rule of Jesus we find a limitless expansion of His influence which brings a peace without end. In him we receive wonderful counsel, strong defense, and an end to sinful oppression. Join us as we examine the advent of peace.
The Advent of Hope // Aaron Shaw
Christmas as a commercial holiday always overpromises and under-delivers, leaving us unfulfilled. But Christmas remembered as the mercy of God sending His Son for us stirs in the believer a robust and renewed hope. So we place the anchor of our hope in this, that Jesus sees us in our lowly, fragile estate and moves toward us in His love.
Holiday Heart Check Part Two // Aaron Shaw
The holiday season can be a wonderful time of year. One that brings friends and family together and truly embodies the idea of goodwill towards all. It’s also a time that we recognize, as we should all year, how good and faithful our God is and how thankful we should be.
A Holiday Heart Check: Part One // Aaron Shaw
The holiday season can be a wonderful time of year. One that brings friends and family together and truly embodies the idea of goodwill towards all. Unfortunately it has also become a season of comparison and envy. A time that highlights our lack and causes us to discount God’s many blessings. Join us today as we get a holiday heart check and learn to be thankful with the little things.
Fighting Shadows - The Shadow of Apathy // Aaron Shaw
We live in a culture that prides itself on activism while simultaneously failing to find purpose and meaning to our individual lives. We gather as collective voices for a cause, but we find nothing in which to give ourselves and our lives to. In general we are apathetic in our daily lives, stuck in a limbo as we wait for the next bandwagon to jump on. Join us today as we discuss the shadow of apathy and what God is calling us towards.
Fighting Shadows - The Shadow of Futility
If the enemy can hide our origin story, he takes away our identity. If he can convince us that life is an accident, he takes away its value. And if makes us believe we have no purpose, he renders us useless. But we are created by a loving father, intentionally, and given a great assignment.