The Apostles Corner

10 Episodes

By: Apostle John Morton

Christian... A title synonymous with son's of God. But many that carry the title more than lack in their abilities to reflect the attributes given of God. Unfortunately Christianity as a whole has failed to be evidence of the Glory of God among men, but this was the first thing that Christ did in all His works. So how could we possibly declare the deity of the word made flesh and fail to reflect all that he made possible in us? From one end of God's word to the other, we were warned of the short comings that would befall...

Relationship Dynamics 3 (Blessed By Division)


IN ALL HONESTY, the unity in the spirit of God that we profess within the fellowships just isn’t there. But notice that I said the unity of the spirit. We do in fact have a unity, but too often it is a unity in things contrary to the will of God. Mathew 10:34-36 says

34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the da...

Relationship Dynamics (To What Do You Relate)

The scriptures say what dealing does light have with darkness. We have a standard perspective to our spiritual and moral values. But yet we will deal with people who clearly have spiritual and moral values that do not add up to who we are. So the question is, how do you relate to them, Do you truly relate to them to where you connect to their values? Or are their values feeding off of whats with you. Except that we stop and make an assessment of our relationship values, we will never know.

Relationship Dymanics Part 1

Some of the most basic things in life can be more complicated than we understand. Failed relationships can seem to be the root element behind everything from divorce, to the war conflicts that we now see in Ukraine and Israel. Yet, the failed relationship is not the reasoning; but the absence of the dynamics by which relationships become effectual. Take a walk with me as we seek to understand exactly what is missing in the endeavor or relationship. Understanding what is missing, could change the entire structure of our Social, workplace, family, and even spiritual relationships. I truly hope...

Learning The Heart Of God

It's only normal that we would believe that the word of God is sufficient for us when it comes to understanding his heart. But the nation of Israel had the word of God directly from the mouth of God, and still, they could not seem to understand the things of the heart of God. It was for this reason that God sent his son. Many people's perception of the coming of Christ ends with the concept of him dying so that we might have victory over the law of sin and death. But there's so much more to his...

Be Ye Not Conformed

Many earnestly believe that they are steadfast in the things of God, unfortunately, they are earnestly wrong. We always talk about how pleasing God is to us, but we never really consider what we must do to be pleasing to him. This life isn't all about us, but about the many that we can effect through a life of focused commitment. What have you been missing that could be vital to others that are watching?

The Moral Divide

Morals are defined as being of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior or simply put, ethical standards.There was a time when we did have principal standards of right and wrong. But in today's world, the truth has come to be whatever we perceive in our own minds. We have come to a place in time where we no longer even consider the explanation of clarity that’s right in front of our faces. Because the only thing that matters this our own opinion.We have come to a place where the moral compass of seemingly go...

A Misconception Of Faith

Faith is much more that a verbal proclamation, and many never reach the fulfillment of its true meaning. Here's a clip from the podcast entitled A Misconception of Faith

A Misconception Of Faith

Proverbs 14:12-16 saysThere is a way which seemeth right unto a man, But the end thereof are the ways of death. Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; And the end of that mirth is heaviness. The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: And a good man shall be satisfied from himself.Death in itself is defined as separation from God. Many of us walk about in this life not even knowing that we are spiritually dead...Believing that we know God , but in reality we only know of Him. And in retrospect to that...

Endeavors of The Heart (Intro from New Book)

Throughout the history of man many a war was presumably initiated in part because of religion, or should I say because of Man believing that the righteousness of God gave him power to declare war. Jeremiah 17:9

9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

It is my belief that no war was ever because of religion, They have always been because of the wickedness of men’s hearts that were grasping for whatever they could find to fulfill their own endeavors. When I think about the transitions that our na...

She Wasn't Designed To Obey You

When I look at the condition that our nation has to to be. Sometimes all I can do is shake my head. But the time has come for men to start shaking their head at the way that our women have rejected our leadership; and then accepting that its our own fault. They were designed to obey God in us. And we've been giving that everything that is us, and literally nothing that is solely God.