Pretty Little Prisons

10 Episodes

By: Wendy Watts

We all experience some aspect of confinement in our lives, it could be situational or long term. The ability to create a new arch and escape the loops that threaten to steal our precious happiness away can make the difference in feeling defined vs. confined by the life we lead.

Season 3 Episode 6 Part 26: Resistance

The collective experiences of losses and lessons create resistance in our lives. When we learn to rise above the resistance, we escape the prison (or confining aspects) of that which threatens to hold us down. This episode is about being the pilot, the plane and the protagonist of your life.

Season 3 Episode 5 Part 25: Doubt

Staying trapped in the state of Doubt is much like a prison. Today's episode focuses on ways to elevate from a state of doubt into belief.

Season 3 Episode 4 Part 24: Weight

Weight. It is carried on the inside and the outside, how do we deal with it? How can we achieve a sense of weightlessness instead of feeling weighed down by everything that draws down on human existence? What can we release to achieve freedom?

Season 3 Episode 3 Part 23: YOU

So the saying goes: "Wherever you go, there you are. " The only prison you never escape is YOU. So how can we deal with ourselves in order to create a "kind mind"? The best home is the one you give yourself. Create a beautiful space to nurture.

Pretty Little Prisons Part 22: Process

Process can be another pretty little trap that becomes a prison, especially processes without a finite end date, such as healing. How one deals with processes that are indefinite so psychological paralysis doesn't set in is the key to living with an empowered, mobile mindset.

Pretty Little Prisons Podcast Part 21: Perspective

Perspective can become a pretty little prison, keeping you stuck in a comfort zone and never growing beyond it. This breakout season 3 podcast focuses on the power of shifting perspective.

Pretty Little Prisons Part 20: Uncertainty

The invisible bars of uncertainty, we all face them at one point or another in this human life. This episode discusses the alternatives in finding a way forward, a way that gives us more of a freedom experience vs. escaping into another situation that may leave us feeling trapped again.

Pretty Little Prisons Part 19: The Mountain

Is it the mountain inside of you or on the outside of you that is in the way today? Today's episode focuses on overcoming the mountains we face, and the mountains we create, and how we can shift perspective to assist forward movement in our lives.

Pretty Little Prisons Part 18: Creative Blocks

Obsessing about your latest work in progress or experiencing writers block? This episode brings our first ever guest interview with accomplished author, podcaster, editor, director and illustrator Karina Kantas of "Behind the Pen" for some keen insights on how to escape the confinement arcs that occur in the creative process. Link:

Pretty Little Prisons Part 17: Choices

Do you feel trapped by the choices you make? This episode discusses the trap of free will. Reward, consequence or stalemate...whatever it may be, making choices can create a confinement arch that we must learn to effectively deal with.