The Sojo Show

10 Episodes

By: Arabah Joy and Jen Evangelista

The Sojo Show makes Bible Study fun with spontaneous conversations between Arabah Joy and Jen Evangelista. Together we discover how the study of God's Word can impact our everyday lives.New Episode Every Monday! 

The Ocean of Glory: The Promise of Romans 8:18

Today, we're concluding our Praying the Promises of the Cross series by discussing one of Jen's favorite Bible verses: Romans 8:18. 

While this verse speaks of suffering, our pain is not minimized by this verse; rather, it is placed into an eternal perspective that enables us to endure with HOPE.

Memorize this verse, listen to our episode, and reflect on how it changes your perception of suffering and hope.

Remember, Christ died for our sins, He was resurrected.


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Standing as a son or daughter of God

Today's episode holds special significance as we explore the concept of adoption. AJ shares her journey with adoption, and together with Jen, they discuss adoption as a biblical concept and its relevance to us. 

The episode unpacks the rich meaning behind Romans 8:14-16, emphasizing the incredible privilege of being adopted by God. 

What truly stands out in these verses is the concept of sonship. Through our trust in Christ, we are not only adopted but also regarded as equals to Jesus Christ in God's eyes. 

We invite you to join us as we unp...

Your spiritual superpower: Romans 8:31

While we may not have capes or superhuman abilities, we all face super adversaries nonetheless. Our greatest adversaries are not flesh and blood. They surpass the natural into the supernatural realm. 

The good news is that we have spiritual powers as well. Join us today as we explore Romans 8:31 and uncover the superpower it grants us as believers

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God doesn't condemn you: Explore the promises of Romans 8:1-2

Many of us harbor spiritual secrets, because, despite our freedom in Christ, we can still struggle with feelings of guilt. 

In this week’s podcast episode, we talk about Romans 8:1-2,  these verses mark an important shift in our spiritual reality, as we are free from the law of sin and death. And how we can live “as if” we are truly free of guilt, shame, and condemnation… because we are.

Let's dive into another of God’s promises, and secrets, and how we can apply God’s promises to our lives.


Nothing can separate you from God’s love

When life is hard and chaotic, and you seem to lose your footing, it’s critical to be reminded of the truth of the gospel and the truth of your assurance. This is the promise Jen and AJ discuss on this week’s Sojo Show episode.  And it’s a good one!

Scripture tells us we can be sure of the promise outlined in Romans 8:35, no matter what comes our way. We can be convinced that there is no power, nothing tangible or intangible, that can separate you from God’s love. There is no trouble, hardship, persecuti...

Both Dead and Alive: The amazing promises of Romans 8

In today’s episode, we're diving deep into what it truly means to be alive in Christ, and how that changes everything. It's not just about existing; it's about thriving in a whole new way because of the life-giving Spirit within us.

How can we rely on the Spirit of God in this moment? How does this reality transform our perspective and actions today?

 If you haven’t joined us for the Praying the Promises Free Challenge, there’s still time! Go to, and discover how God will tr...

Feeling in your heart what you know in your head

In our journey through life, it's easy to feel disconnected or overwhelmed by our emotions. But do you know that God desires for us to experience wholeness in body, soul, and spirit, including our emotions? That's right - we can foster emotional health by aligning ourselves with God's truth.

In today’s episode, we're talking about our emotions. Sometimes we know in our head that we're loved, whether it's by a parent or by God. But sometimes we struggle with feeling loved.  We struggle to feel in our hearts what we know in our heads.

Why you should make God's promises the center of your prayers

 Today we are exploring why God’s promises are essential for our spiritual health. 

We also share the details for our upcoming FREE 40-day prayer challenge leading up to Easter. It can have a profound impact on your understanding of Christ's provision and the true meaning of His resurrection.  The 40-day challenge it's an intentional journey toward spiritual renewal based on God's promises in your life. 

It will transform your thoughts, your behavior, your perspective, and your life.

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If you ar...

Faith in Focus: The Sojo10 Commitment

{JOIN US FOR OUR LIVE RISE UP RALLY on December 29th at 10 am EST
Register here:}

In today’s episode, you’ll be introduced to Sojo 10 and Document Your Faith.  We are dedicated to providing you with tools that you can’t find anywhere else that are specifically designed to help you become the woman of God you were created to be! 

These brand-new and exclusive parts of the #SojoStrong experience will be transformative. 

Our journey into 2024 for Sojo Academy and our individual lives inv...

Rise Strong in 2024: Sojo Academy's Transition for the Coming Year

Over the past couple of months, Jen and AJ have immersed themselves in prayer over plans for 2024. 

In today's episode, they dive into the 7 key identities that will be the primary focus of Sojo Academy in the coming year. 

As we unfold the 7 core identities, our goal is to emerge stronger, set apart, and be battle-ready.

We believe this NEW blueprint for Sojo Academy will ignite a spark within you, inspiring your goals for 2024.   Thank you to every woman that is part of our community.

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