Behind The Sermon

10 Episodes

By: Restoration Church

Welcome to the Restoration Church podcast Behind the Sermon. Where we get to sit in on a conversation between our pastors to hear about what they are learning, what they are teaching and what God is doing throughout our Church. This podcast will sit down weekly with the Pastors at restoration to give you a deeper dive into every message.

A Conversation with Pastor Matt Ward About Encouragement
Last Wednesday at 1:00 PM

The Church is much bigger than the four walls of Restoration Church. Today we dive in with another pastor who preached for us this week!

You aren't the boss of me:We lead well by being under authority.

Pastor Nate and Pastor Stephen sit down to talk through this weeks message.

How do we help each other out of the wilderness?

Take care of what God has given you!

Check your motives: How to pursue Jesus and not his benefits.

Today we sit down with Pastor Nate, Pastor Stephen and Pastor Jeremy to talk through the test of motives, how to deal with divisive people in the church, and how to have healthy conversations that bring true peace to our relationships.

Book Recommendation:

Overcoming The Dark Side Of Leadership

Small Beginnings = Big Revivals

Promise & Patience: Navigating God's Timing

In this Episode, Pastor Nate and Pastor Stephen talks about the promises of God and patience that God requires us to have.

Holy Cows! | Talking through our latest sermon: Rich and Poor

Pastor Nate and his family just got back from an amazing trip that just showed how, when we humble ourselves for God, He will use us to do amazing things.

Dale Everett stole this sermon.

Today, Pastor Nate and Pastor Jeremy sit down to talk through the supernatural and why we should WANT to live in it more.

Gods Spirit: With Mike Younus