10 Episodes

By: Rahul Yadav

Human beings are storyteller by nature. "Q-T.A.L.K.S" is an abbreviation of "Quest for The Adventure of Learning and Knowing through Stories", where people coming from discrete social backgrounds such as Scientists, Social Scientists, Entrepreneurs, Actors, Singers, Teachers, Industrialists, Students, Business people and many more will unite to share their stories and perspective, enabling information from a diverse community. The episodes will be guided but not limited to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define by United Nations. The "Q-TALKS" will take us through an amazing and wonderful journey, simultaneously building community.

Episode 120: Cultivating habits for the healthy lifestyle
Last Saturday at 6:00 AM

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Luka Petkovic, founder of Valiant Wellness and he is on a mission to help men transform their lives from the inside out. As a passionate Men's Health Coach, he specialise in empowering men to change their mindsets, cultivate bulletproof habits, and develop unbreakable discipline.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/luka.b.petkovic
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luka-petkovic-24322213a/

This episode is available on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3uGaODh...
Apple iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/pod...

Episode 119: The secrets to a truly thriving life

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Dr. Wendy is a Stanford trained positive psychologist and success coach for female entrepreneurs. She helps women design their most meaningful, intentional, and fulfilling lives and businesses. Utilizing her strengths, values, and evidenced-based success method, Dr. Wendy has helped thousands of women worldwide live a life and business they're obsessed with. Β 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drwendyoconnor
Website: https://www.drwendyoconnor.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/drwendyoconnor?_l=en_US
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drwendyoconnor/

This episode...

Episode 118: Take charge of your health WITHOUT pharmaceuticals!

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Darlene Greene - Health and GHK-CU and Stem Cell Activation Technology Consultant and retired US Navy Commander. Β 

Darlene Greene wants to help you take charge of your own health, get out of pain, improve your energy, increase the quality of your sleep, reduce systemic inflammation, increase mental clarity, improve your nervous system, lower your anxiety, enhance brain functioning, improve cardiovascular functioning, and elevate your GHK-Cu for a host of additional benefits to include increasing your own stem cells, producing growth factors, protect lungs, reset genes to thei...

Episode 117: Stop begging for what you want and need. There IS a better way!

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Heather has lived an atypical life.Β 

She's hitchhiked across the country, traveled and worked in a carnival for a season, roamed New York City with street people, explored (and taught) alternative lifestyles, and more.Β 

All of her experiences thus far have led her to the belief that boundaries are the key to not only saving ourselves, but our relationships.Β 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heatherclaus
Website: https://my.curiouser.life

This episode is available on:

Episode 116: Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation: A Gift from the Divine

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International speaker and creator of 11 startup companies, Holly Porter stands as a beacon of resilience. A 13-time best-selling author, seasoned philanthropist, and true survivor, her remarkable journey includes a 70-day battle with COVID-19. Emerging from this challenging experience with unwavering determination, Holly is not just a speaker but a living testament to the power of resilience.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HOLLYANNPORTER/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hollyporterinternational/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hollyporter/

This episode is available on:

Episode 115: Five simple steps of wealth circle?

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Sally was motivated to become a real estate investor when her mom became sick in October 2018.Β  Sally was 53 and needed to make a change in her life quickly.Β  She has been an insurance agent for 20 years and has used her experience to make positive changes.Β  Now she shares her information weekly in her real estate group and Win, Win Women TV.

Website: https://thetrustisyou.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SallyGimon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sallygimon/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sally...

Episode 114: Why gut health is so important for mental health?

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Suzy Hardy is a certified stress management and anxiety coach.Β  As the former co-host of the successful Food Heals Podcast, Suzy knows a thing or two about natural healing, wellness and mind body connection.Β  After having overcome her own anxiety that started in childhood, she is passionate about teaching others how to slay stress and alleviate anxiety to reclaim their life.

Website: https://www.suzyhardy.com

This episode is available on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3uGaODh...
Apple iTunes: https://podcasts...

Episode 113: Building and Sustaining work relationships

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Ron is a passionate leadership/management development subject matter expert and coach with 28 years of experience in diversified industries.
An expert facilitator, Ron believes in involving participants in their learning, leading to higher engagement and quality results.
Also a voracious reader, he stays current with the latest research and philosophies which he loves sharing with clients.

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ron-reich-7809829/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ron.reich.334
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leadership_rlb/

This episode is ava...

Episode 112: Why do women need to build muscles and the importance of strength training?

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Angela Beyer, a renowned trainer, online coach, and professional health coach, has an extraordinary journey that led her to become a personal trainer and health coach specialising in helping women build muscle and achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Website: https://www.houseofshape.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angela.beyer.129
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healthcoachangela/?igsh=bHpxaHI2dWU3OXBu&utm_source=qr

This episode is available on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3uGaODh...
Apple iTunes: https://podcas...

Episode 111: How to Get Your Investment Money to Pay You TWICE?

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Chris Miles, the Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor, is a
leading authority teaching entrepreneurs and professionals how to get
their money working for them TODAY! He’s an author, podcast host of
the Money Ripples Podcast, has been featured in US News, CNN
Money, Entrepreneurs on Fire, BiggerPockets, and has a proven
reputation with his company, Money Ripples
(https://moneyripples.com/) getting his clients fast, financial results.
In fact, his personal clients have increased their cash flow by $300+