Nesivos Shalom Essentials of Yiddishkeit
This is a weekly chabura on erev Shabbos. We are learning chelek aleph of Nesivos Shalom. It covers the most essential and foundational topics in yiddishket and how to practically live by them. The sefer Nesivos Shalom is one of the most popular Seforim in the world. Most people learn the Slonimer Rebb’s Torah on the Parsha and Moadim. However, he also wrote Seforim on foundational topics in Yiddishkeit. Emunah, Bitachon, Dveykus, and Purifying one’s Middos are a sample of these topics. In this series we’re working on purifying our middos. If you have any questions or commen...
Torah 7

The results of learning Torah L’Shma
Torah 6

The expanded vision of Torah L’Shma
Torah 5

The great revelation and benefits of Torah L’Shma
Torah 4

20/20 vision
Torah 3

The ways and type of Torah L’Shma
Torah 2

Torah closes the gap and reveals the truth
Torah 1

Next section in Nesivos Shalom on Torah
Moving On

We’re moving to Nesivos Shalom - Torah
Kedusha 58

The top of the Holy Mountain - Bittul
Kedusha 57

Think what Hashem wants