Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Pastor Richard Schwedes

St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sydney, Australia.A regular podcast from Pastor Richard Schwedes and guests at St Paul's Sydney Lutheran Church, Australia.

9th Sunday after Pentecost - Healing Jesus
Last Sunday at 3:00 AM

This week in our Gospel reading Mark 6:30-34; 53-56, we hear how Jesus brought His disciples to a solitary place to rest. But when a crowd followed them there, He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
How does the love of Jesus draw people to you?
How do you find rest in Him when you need a quiet place, but the people around you are still in need of His love?
Today's message was written and presented by Pastor Lassi Pappiner of    The Southern Cross Finni...

8th Sunday after Pentecost - Faith over Comfort

This week in our Gospel reading,  Mark 6:14-29 we hear how King Herod originally protected John the Baptist even though his wife was angry that he called their marriage unlawful, because he believed him to be a righteous and holy man.
 But after making an oath to his wife's daughter, he had John executed to protect his own reputation in front of his dinner guests.
 Even today in our own lives, there are times when defending the righteous may make people dislike us. 
 How does your faith comfort you when you're in these...

6th Sunday after Pentecost - Giving Generously out of Love

How do you feel when expected to give generously?
 This week in our Gospel reading, Mark 5:21-43 a woman desperate to be healed reaches out to Jesus without asking first, and He blesses her with healing and peace. 
How do you react when someone is so in need of help that they might seem rude or demanding?

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5th Sunday after Pentecost - Calmness when it's stormy?

How do you react when storms come in your life?   In today's Gospel reading, Mark 4:35-41, the disciples are in a situation where they face a storm, Jesus is with them, yet initially Jesus is asleep and then later when he acts the storm stops, and calmness occurs.  This week we will explore what it means for us to have calmness amongst the storms.     

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4th Sunday after Pentecost - Sowing and Growing the Gospel

In this week's Gospel reading from Mark 4:26-34 Jesus gives us some important images of how the Gospel grows in individuals and the community...we are called to sow the Gospel, but then allow God to grow the is God who will produce Gospel fruits in our lives and the lives of others...this week will explore what this looks like and why this understanding is important for us.

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3rd Sunday after Pentecost - Tree of Life

This week in conjunction with the launch of Lutheran Simultaneous Art Exhibition our focus is on the Tree of Life based on Revelation 22:1-5.  The sermon was presented by Dr. Wendy Mayer.

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2nd Sunday after Pentecost - Jesus - Life Giver - Real Sabbath Liver

In this week's reading from Mark 2:23-3:6 we see Jesus refocussing us on what is important about the Sabbath, moving the focus from the rules about the Sabbath to the blessings of the Sabbath.  This week we explore what living the Sabbath means for us today, the blessing the Sabbath brings and why it is important to be blessed and not burdened by the Sabbath. 

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Trinity Sunday - Triune God - God's focus is LOVE

This week we celebrate Trinity Sunday with probably the most well known bible verse, John 3:16-17...For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.   Now the back story to this is a man came seeking clarity about God to Jesus, Jesus response was not to give him more rules, but to reveal the real focus and character of God....Love.  In...

Pentecost Sunday - Listening to the Spirit

This Sunday we get to celebrate a great celebration of the church, Pentecost Sunday.   We celebrate the gift of God's Spirit for us, that helps us in our Christian journey of knowing Jesus and growing in relationship with Jesus.  Not only that the Spirit unites people with differing view points, bakcgrounds and cultures together focussing them on God and his love. 

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Ascension Sunday - When Jesus disappears or does He?

Have you ever felt Jesus has disappeared?  Perhaps you are going through a difficult patch and nothing is working out.  Perhaps you have a feeling of unsettledness.   This week we are celebrating Ascension Day on Sunday (it actually took place on Thursday), in Germany the day is called Himmelfahrt (meaning goes to heaven), the day when Jesus left this earth to sit at the right had of His father.   We will explore why the disciples were joyful when this happened, and why Jesus needed to leave earth.     

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