
10 Episodes

By: Learn-To-Learn

We are a team with over 40 years of experience in coaching, educating, and supporting others to become better learners. Our passion is to freely support our fellow humans in discovering and expressing their best qualities to the highest degree. We are not looking for donations, sales, or any other outside form of support. We are simply doing our best to get people to participate in recognizing all that is possible for them to learn and sharing with them in ways to bring that about. Our belief is that the best way to do that is to give people the tools...

Presence... Do We Live Large or Small
Last Monday at 8:00 PM

We have choice about the identity we live from. If we view ourselves as small, we get small results. How do we move into living from a large presence?

Micro Series: Shrinking Obstacles: A Perspective Shift
Last Monday at 8:00 PM

In this micro-series podcast episode, we explore the transformative power of reshaping our perspective on obstacles. We can learn to view challenges not as towering mountains, but as simple bumps in the road. By embracing this shift in mindset, we discover the profound impact this simple shift in our perspective and the benefits it brings to the rest of our life.

Consistency... Making Sure that We Arrive at Our Goal

We have to consistently apply ourselves to get the outcomes that we so want. How do we develop that consistency? Dive in with us and explore how to make consistency dynamic.

Micro Series: Training the Learning Muscle

Just as consistent workouts strengthen physical muscles, regular engagement with educational opportunities enhances our capacity to learn. However, societal messages often discourage this mindset, leading many to abandon their potential. Drawing parallels between the gym and the classroom, we encourages you to embrace the transformative power of continuous learning and self-improvement. Join us as we unravel the myth of fixed learning. 

Develop a Growth Mindset

When we have a vision that always extends beyond where we are, we are hugely drawn into that future. This is an essential component that we need to move ourselves forward.

Perseverance... Another Secret to Success

What do we need to do to be able to persevere. We know that if we can just stick to what we're doing, our chances of success in learning and life become so much greater.

Micro Series: A Guide for Developing and Engaging Your Imagination

In this episode, we delve into the profound significance of imagination and its transformative potential in our lives. Discover how imagination can either confine us or liberate us and explore practical strategies for nurturing and expanding this vital tool. Drawing insights from the immersive world of children's imaginative play, we uncover the key to unlocking new neural pathways and enhancing cognitive flexibility. Join us as we navigate through the distractions of modern technology and reclaim the lost art of active imagination, empowering ourselves to cultivate creativity and innovation in every aspect of our lives.

Passion...Today's Secret to Success

Discovering what we are fundamentally passionate about is a key to developing tenacity. The more we recognize what drives us, the more we unleash that, the more likely we are to succeed.

Micro Series: Harnessing the Power of Imagination for Success

In this micro-series episode, we explore the transformative potential of imagination through a real-life example of an athlete striving for Olympic success. By guiding them through a vivid imaginative exercise, envisioning themselves winning the gold medal, their performance drastically improved, leading to Olympic qualification. This powerful demonstration highlights how our imaginative experiences can shape our reality and self-perception. By shifting our mindset and assumptions through imagination, we can overcome challenges and unlock our full potential in various aspects of life, from athletics to academic endeavors. Join us as we delve into the profound impact of harnessing imagination for achieving...

A Huge Secret to Success

Like working out at the gym, the secret to success in learning or anywhere in life is being tenacious. But how do we develop that?