Lama Zopa Rinpoche full length teachings

10 Episodes

By: Lama Zopa Rinpoche

This podcast brings to you the teachings given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in full length. Our current focus for new episodes lies on older teachings by Rinpoche that have not been published in video yet as well as major retreats that Rinpoche had led over the years. These episodes are mostly unedited in terms of content but often improved in terms of sound quality. See their video counterparts on our RAN page at

09 Extensive Offerings 14-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche discusses the extensive offerings that are being made at FPMT centers around the world and explains how to make charity by offering these on behalf of all sentient beings. In this way, every single offering becomes an offering from every single sentient being and they all gain merit. So, this becomes a great puja for the happiness of all sentient beings.

Rinpoche says that each offering has ten benefits, but depending on which offering is made, the result is slightly different. He gives the example of incense, which has the particular result of pure...

08 Lama ChöPa Prayers, Visualizations, And Offerings 14-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains the Lama Chöpa prayers, visualizations, and offerings. He mentions that this sort of explanation is not common within the Tibetan tradition, but for Westerners, he wants to provide some detail. Rinpoche says that the essential point is faith. If the prayers are recited with deep devotion, they become powerful. In this way, any mantra or prayer contains the complete path to enlightenment, and we receive all the blessings and realizations. Rinpoche gives the example of the refuge prayer. He says that when it is recited with devotion, it contains the 84,000 teachings of the Buddha. O...

07 Meditating On Emptiness 13-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche takes us through a meditation on emptiness. He explains how everything appears inherently existent but is merely labelled by the mind and doesn’t have even an atom of true existence from its own side. Using various examples (the self, the five aggregates, actions, objects, phenomena, forms, sounds, smells, tastes, tangible objects, colors, samsara, nirvana, lower realms, upper realms), he explains how they are all merely imputed by the mind. Nothing exists inherently. In emptiness, even emptiness itself doesn’t exist. Even the mind that is imputing the phenomena is also merely imputed by the thought. From...

06 How The Gyalwa Gyatso Initiation Integrates The Stages Of The Path 12-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche outlines how the Gyalwa Gyatso initiation integrates the stages of the graduated path for beings of lower, middling, and greater capacity. Rinpoche shows the parallels between each initiation and the path to enlightenment. For example, he explains how achieving the second initiation (the secret initiation) helps to achieve the illusory body, and the third initiation (the wisdom initiation) makes it possible to achieve the clear light.

Rinpoche highlights that all stages of the path to enlightenment rely on the root of the path: correctly devoting to the virtuous friend. This means to see the...

05 Devotion Is The Sublime Treasure 12-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche details the deep meaning of the mudras and explains that the essence of the merit field is the absolute guru. There’s no deity separate from the guru.

He reminds us of how precious it is to be born human and to hear the teachings. Yet, even once we hear them, there are still a lot of hardships. To understand and have faith depends on how much merit we’ve collected. For some, it’s very easy to attain realizations. For others, it doesn’t happen even over many lifetimes. It’s a question of how muc...

04 Meditating On Emptiness Must Start With The Object To Be Refuted 11-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains why the first of the four-point analysis of emptiness—recognizing the object to be refuted—has unbelievable importance and has to come first. Without first recognizing the object to be refuted, you cannot do the other analyses. It is like recognizing the thief who has been harming you. After you recognize them, you can unleash weapons on them. You won’t shoot the wrong person. Similarly, if you don’t recognize the object to be refuted, all subsequent reasonings will not be on the object of ignorance. Thus, there’s a danger of using the I or pheno...

03 The Utmost Importance Of The Guru Puja Practice 11-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche highlights the importance of practicing Guru Puja (Lama Chöpa), as it integrates many important practices. He cites Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo, who stated that the Guru Puja practice contains all the importance of the complete sutra and tantra. He also mentioned how His Holiness Song Rinpoche often praised the Lama Tsongkhapa tradition by expressing how Gyalwa Ensapa was different from Milarepa. They both achieved enlightenment in one brief lifetime during a degenerated time, but Gyalwa Ensapa did so while eating delicious food and living a comfortable life. The reason is because his heart practice was Lama C...

02 Purpose Of This Life - 10-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains that the meaning of our life or the purpose of our life is to benefit other sentient beings, to free others from suffering and to cause happiness to others. Bringing them ultimate happiness, liberation is the most important service for you to offer. This is the greatest service, the most important service to other sentient beings.

There are an inconceivable number of sentient beings who have connection to you and they don’t become enlightened until you actualize the path and reveal them Dharma. Therefore, you must achieve enlightenment as quick as possible. Yo...

01 Ending Suffering Through Correct Dharma Practice - 10-Apr-2004

Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains how, through making requests from your heart to the root guru and the three-time buddhas and receiving the blessing of the guru, it’s possible to see the conventional nature of the mind and achieve clarity. To see the ultimate nature of the mind, it depends on collecting merits and purifying defilements. That is the only direct method to liberate oneself from the unimaginable oceans of samsaric suffering and cause, all the negative emotional thoughts, the action and karma, the very root, which is the unknowing mind.

Unable to see the I which ex...

03 The Need for Wisdom and Compassion - PART 4; 3-Jun-2006

Lama Zopa Rinpoche discusses the significance of engaging in wholesome actions that bring peace and happiness to oneself and others. The key to achieving this is by subduing and taming the mind, by protecting it from negative emotions such as self-cherishing, anger, jealousy, and pride. A selfish mind will not lead to happiness and success in life, but rather it will cause problems and make enemies everywhere. Protecting the mind and cultivating positive emotions is essential to living a fulfilling and happy life.

A good way of benefiting oneself is to practice bodhichitta. Rinpoche uses the example...