Let's dive deep into pages.(Telugu Podcast).

10 Episodes

By: Let's Dive Deep Into Pages(Telugu Podcast).

This podcast is about the book "Magic",after listening to this whole podacast and doing the exercises mentioned in this book,I am sure that your perspective of life will be changed and you will start feeling happy for everything you have.

'Magic Never ends' 34th episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series.

This is the last episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series this episode helps you to not forget the Magic in your life.

"Your Magical future'33rd episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series.

This episode suggests how to continue the magical practises throughout our life.

"Remember the Magic"32nd episode of Magic a mantra for abundance.

This episode is a suggestion for practising magic wherever and whenever you want.

"Magical mirror"31st episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series.

"Change the man in the mirror,the whole world will change" this episode emphasizes the importance of being happy for what you are and being thankful for yourself.

'Magically transform mistakes into blessings'30th episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series

This episode explains the 26th day Magical practice which was mentioned in the book Magic.

'Identify the Magical indications'.29th episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series.

This episode helps you to see the magic around you.

'Magical wand' 28th episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series.

This episode tells you a way of bringing magic in your closed one lives by helping them to solve the problems in their lives.

'The Magical air that you breathe' 27th episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series.

This episode explains the twenty third day Magical practice which was mentioned in the book 'Magic' This magical practice teaches a way of showing Gratitude to the air that we breathe.

'Before your very eyes' 26th episode of 'Magic' a mantra for abundance series.

This episode shares the experience of Rhonda Byrne in practising gratitude and making her wishlist come true to help us make our all wishes possible with practising gratitude.

'Splendid outcomes' 25th episode of Magic a mantra for abundance series.

This episode sweeps away all your doubts about the amazing results that you are going to receive,and make you believe completely about your splendid outcomes.