Position of Neutrality
PON is a study of the manner of living suggested by the founders of AA which was recorded in the book: Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of how Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered From Alcoholism.
Position of Neutrality Step Study - Steps 5,6,&7 (Season 24)
Position of Neutrality is a study of the manner of living suggested by the founders of A.A. which was recorded in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. The story of how many thousands of men and women have recovered from alcoholism.
Join us for more inspiring recovery stories and transformative insights.
Check out our website at: www.positionofneutrality.org
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mGbAbcacTs83RhMsv6FmY?si=6531e7adfdbb480e
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Position of Neutrality: Advocating Without Condemnation in Step 5, 6, & 7 AA
Join Joe McDonald as he reads from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, discussing the importance of advocating without condemnation in Steps 5, 6, and 7 AA. Joe emphasizes the need to support and advocate for each other, regardless of past actions.
“So do not get on the condemnation game no matter what because that’s the wrong team. Every one of you probably had a little time where you had to go to court, right? There was a prosecutor on one side and the defense team on the other. You notice how they didn’t switch seats. You ar...
Position of Neutrality: Understanding Personal Inventory in Step 5, 6, & 7 AA
Join Joe McDonald as he reads from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, guiding us through the crucial process of personal inventory in Steps 5, 6, and 7 AA. Joe emphasizes the importance of identifying defects and understanding the underlying fears that drive our actions.
“So it says we’ve admitted certain defects and we’ve ascertained in a rough way what the trouble is. We’ve put our finger on the weak items in our personal inventory. So those of you who have done an inventory, have you ascertained in a rough way what the trouble is? Did you...
Position of Neutrality: Embracing Continuous Advocacy in 12-Step Recovery Steps 5,6,&7 AA
Join Joe McDonald as he reads from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, emphasizing the ongoing commitment required in the 12-step program. Joe highlights the importance of continuous advocacy and service to others as part of recovery.
“And so what we need to understand is you’re not ever done with the rest of the program. I agreed in 3 that as long as I had air in my lungs I would use it to advocate for my brother and sister. I’m not to condemn. I’m not to judge. I will, but I’m not to har...
Position of Neutrality: Experiencing Spiritual Awakening in Step 5, 6, & 7 AA Unlocking the Power of Spiritual Experience in 12-Step Recovery
Join Joe McDonald as he reads from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, emphasizing the profound spiritual experiences that can occur in recovery. Joe explains how these experiences are sensory and how they demonstrate the power referred to in the steps.
“And if we both do our job, we’ll share a spiritual experience in this room tonight. How many have been here before and can witness for folks that happens? Very good. So those of you joining us online, you can’t see them, but they’re raising their hands. They raised their hand to signi...
Position of Neutrality: Understanding the Manifestation of Addiction in Step 3 AA Understanding Alcohol Allergies Can You Really Be Allergic
Join Joe McDonald as we explore the concept of alcohol and drugs causing an allergic reaction in certain individuals. Dr. William Silkworth, who we’ve mentioned previously, observed that alcoholics seem to experience abnormal reactions to substances like alcohol and drugs. This abnormal response is referred to as the manifestation of an allergy, and it plays a crucial role in understanding the nature of addiction.
Dr. Silkworth explained that these “allergic types” can never safely use alcohol in any form. Once they start using, they cannot stop on their own, and their problems rapidly multiply. Solvin...
Position of Neutrality: Embracing Honesty in Steps 5, 6, & 7 AA
Join Joe McDonald as he reads from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, delving into the necessity of honesty in recovery. Joe discusses the common behavior of seeking medical opinions, lying to obtain them, and then ignoring their advice.
“We are people as a class who have spent thousands of dollars for informed medical opinions, lied to get those opinions, and ignored the results of those opinions. So you’re not going to impress me with your opinion of my lifestyle; it’s just not going to happen. But if you’re living an example I wished...
Position of Neutrality: Understanding the Root of Addiction in Steps 5, 6, & 7 AA
Join Joe McDonald as he reads from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, diving into the deeper understanding of addiction beyond the surface level. Joe highlights the importance of recognizing the spiritual aspect of recovery, rather than just focusing on the physical symptoms.
“If you see me when I’m out running and gunning in active addiction, you think my problem is I have a fondness for opiate drugs. That is a problem, but it’s not the main problem because you can take me off opiate drugs and I function much like normal men. So obv...
Position of Neutrality: Bill’s Encounter with Ebby and the 4th Dimension in Step 3 AA Discovering the 4th Dimension Bill's Journey to Fulfillment!
Join us as we explore Bill’s encounter with Ebby, which marks the beginning of his transformation into what he describes as the 4th dimension of existence. In this pivotal moment of Step 3, Bill’s experiences show how life-changing revelations can occur when we allow ourselves to embrace spiritual guidance. Through this journey, we see how happiness, peace, and usefulness become attainable, even when we feel most lost.
“We’ll learn that even in our darkest moments, a new and fulfilling experience is just moments away. Bill’s story is a powerful reminder that no matter how...
Position of Neutrality: Bill’s Story and the Path to Powerlessness in Step 3 AA Unlocking Healing Embracing Powerlessness for Recovery
Join Joe McDonald as we explore Bill’s powerful journey in Step 3 of Alcoholics Anonymous, where the concept of powerlessness truly comes to life. In this session, we’ll bring together everything we’ve learned so far, focusing on the events that led Bill to admit his powerlessness over alcohol. Through Bill’s story and personal introspection, we come to realize that addiction is not something we can overcome by willpower or control alone.
“It is only through fully conceding that we open ourselves to the possibility of healing and freedom from addiction.”
As we d...