The Broke Generation

10 Episodes

By: Emma Edwards

Feel good finance podcast, packed with frank and honest money conversations, and practical tips to help you be better with money.

Embracing your personal money brand for future growth

What’s the connection between personal branding and financial management? Drawing from my own evolving personal brand, I highlight the power of aligning your money habits with your personal values. Personal branding is a holistic representation of who you are and what you stand for, extending beyond just your career and the number on your payslip.

From transforming money habits to expanding the financial window, I’m giving you some actionable strategies to take control of your financial narrative. Like with any goal, sometimes there are sacrifices you have to make, and I’m taking you through the im...

Life hacks for existing as an adult: The Comments Section with Emma + Victoria

This week we’re kicking off with the unveiling of “A Cold Day in Hell” - the official drink of the Comments Section. Listen in for our Michelin star recipe* and hacks and tips for daily living, from un-aesthetic morning routines to work lunch strategies. We’re also calling to bring back the packed school lunch for grownups, and debunking the myth that sandwiches are boring. What’s important is packing food that brings you joy and satisfaction, rather than succumbing to diet culture's restrictions, or disorganised panic spending. There are so many strategies that can make being an adult so m...

10 affordable ways to upgrade your life and feel like a baddie

We all love a good actionable list, and this week I'm taking you through ten wallet-friendly ways to level up your life without burning a hole in your budget. From sprucing up your morning routine to splurging on fancy hand soaps, I explore practical strategies for enhancing your lifestyle without breaking the bank. With the current cost of living, it's never been more important to prioritise upgrades that improve your life long-term (that includes improving your happiness!).

Have a listen, and let me know on socials what small thing you fit into your budget that leaves you...

Buying your identity: the comments section with Emma & Victoria

Is the capsule wardrobe the new seasonal trend? We look into whether we're not just finding style inspiration online, but our entire style identity. In this episode, we dive deep into understanding your personal style and how you can avoid outsourcing your identity. From Instagram trends to the Wardrobe Pause Challenge, we explore the pitfalls of seeking identity through clothing and the importance of embracing authenticity.

Join us as we navigate the complexities of shopping dynamics, body image, and wardrobe psychology. We unravel the influence of social media on our fashion decisions and the need to shift...

How to stop pulling money out of your savings

Putting money into savings and then pulling it right back out again is a common financial glitch we experience. We are not all born financially savvy or natural savers. We are not naturally inclined towards delayed gratification and saving. However, pulling money out of our savings for whatever reason is one of those things that hold us back, but when we work on stopping this behaviour from happening in the long run, it can propel us much faster toward our goals. Pulling money out of our savings is not caused by the same circumstance or mechanism, and it is...

The self care fallacy – buying "self care" but we're still not cared for: The Comments Section Emma & Victoria

Take a deep breath in… and out… ok now you’re ready for this week's comments section! We’re diving into the real deal of self-care beyond the pretty pictures on social media. We’re talking about how we really make self-care work in our daily lives - from nifty apps that keep us zen to those little life hacks. But hang on, we’re also getting real about how self-care’s become a bit of a shopping spree. Are we actually nurturing ourselves or just splashing cash to feel good? We’re peeling back the layers on what self-care means...

7 things that make you want to spend money – and what to do instead

"Spending money is a shortcut to most of the feelings we crave in our lives."

In this episode I'm taking you through 7 pesky little happenings that make you want to spend money, and how to break the habit of giving in and emptying your bank account in the process.

From having a bad body image day to getting good news, there's always something waiting to send us into a spending frenzy. But the good news is, you can learn to master it. 

I share a smorgasbord of alternative behaviours and mindset shifts to h...

Studying as a mature age student: the comments section with E & V

SWOT’s going on everyone? This week, we're diving into the grit of what it's like to hit the books as mature age students and unpacking the whole "cost" of it. We're chatting about the pressure cooker of societal and cultural expectations, questioning why there's this idea that you have to jump straight from high school into higher education. Remember: it's totally cool to take your time and dive into studying when it feels right for you. So, if you're contemplating hitting the books as a mature age student, stick around as we dish out some real talk about wh...

How to find your financial chill girl and build financial resilience

It's me and the mic again my friends for another solo episode, and this week we're talking all about finding your financial chill girl. Let's face it: stressing about money SUCKS A$$ – and because our brains are such drama queens, often we stress more than we actually need to.

Enter: the financial chill girl. In this episode I'm teaching you the principles of mental and financial resilience to help you build a sense of chill around your money and approach money management from a resilience-first perspective. 


The antics our brains pull when experiencing fin...

Valet parking, mini bars and paying for convenience: the comments section with E & V

We’re diving back into the comments section, this time we spill the beans on the pricey pitfalls of convenience, from occasional valet parking to a regular house cleaner. Join us as we swap stories and bounce ideas off each other about when to indulge in life's little luxuries and when to hold back. It's all about finding that sweet spot where convenience fits into our lives without breaking the bank or compromising our values.
Grab a cuppa and tune in as we dish out plenty of food for thought on incorporating convenience into your life while staying tr...