Confessed Obsessed

10 Episodes

By: LouLou

Taking off the Rose Colored glasses, one pedal at a time.

Dena Schlosser- Holiday Horrors

Mothers are the person we are born into the word trusting, the one person that drops everything to take care of us, and most of the time the very first person to crush us. Dena Schlosser followed that exact pattern, except instead of saying something wrong to her child, or placing unnecessary rules that didn't make much sense, she would go one step further, and cut the arms off her child.

Daniel LaPlante- Murderous Minors

Your home is supposed to be somewhere you can feel safe, the walls should be a warm safe hug, but that's not always the case. Sometimes the scariest monsters are living in those same walls that should be safe, waiting for their opportunity to strike.

The Slenderman Stabbings- Lethal Loved Ones

Last week we talked about Slender Man. If you remember we talked about how he liked to stalk his victims, drive them mentally insane, because it made for an easier kill. Was that the case with Morgan? Today we're talking about the Slender Man stabbings.

Slenderman- Believable Beasts

Everyone has experienced seeing something out of the corner of their eye and once turned around  it was gone, either it disappeared quickly, or it was never there in the first place. What about that feeling of being watched, whether we are with people, or alone, only to shake it off as our nerves. Could it have been something else though? Could we have been stalked by Slender Man?

Charley Ross- Lost and Looking

A kidnapping is always heartbreaking, but imagine how it would feel if your child was kidnapped and you were the first person to ever receive a ransom note for their safe return. Today we talk about the United States first official case of a kidnapping that demanded money for the child, Charley Ross. 

Sylvia Likens Ep.2- Evil Entities

Sylvia Likens, a beautiful 16 year old girl with a life of opportunities ahead of her. She would fall into the care of a monster who would strip that away from her. This is one of the hardest cases I have ever researched, this is your trigger warning. 

Sylvia Likens- Evil Entities

Sylvia Likens, a beautiful 16 year old girl with a life of opportunities ahead of her. She would fall into the care of a monster who would strip that away from her. This is one of the hardest cases I have ever researched, this is your trigger warning. 

Angel's Glow- Monstrous Mysteries

War is a horrific thing, and to be a soldier in war is terrifying. There aren't many things we see anymore that we cannot explain, but for the longest time Angels Glow was a mystery to us. A mystery we believe we have solved now, but back then we believed certain soldiers were just blessed, by angels. 

Bailey Boswell and Aubrey Trail- Murderous Match Ep.2

We have all heard of the horror stories surrounding dating apps, yet thousands of people use them everyday. If you are one of those people that actively use dating apps, you should remember a few key rules, always go on a date in public, always tell someone where you are going, and who you are going with, and when to expect you to be home, and never go somewhere private with someone that you have never met before.

Bailey Boswell and Aubrey Trail- Murderous Match Ep.1

We have all heard of the horror stories surrounding dating apps, yet thousands of people use them everyday. If you are one of those people that actively use dating apps, you should remember a few key rules, always go on a date in public, always tell someone where you are going, and who you are going with, and when to expect you to be home, and never go somewhere private with someone that you have never met before.