Least Haunted
A well researched deep dive into the world of the paranormal from a skeptical and comedic perspective. Using science, anthropology, and humor to find the truth behind history's greatest supernatural events, mysteries, and creatures. "The only thing that's haunted is you!"
Episode 125: The Misty Nights of The Ogo-Pogo

There is something in the waters of Lake Okanagan, British Colombia. It is the subject of myths and legends. And It has stymied the likes of both Leonard Nimoy and The History Channel... But We're pretty sure we've got it all figured out. Also, borders. What's up with those?
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Episode 124: Atlantis Sinking

This is the story of what happens when no one gets satire or allegory. When generations of people fail to get the point and instead go searching for a metaphor. A cautionary tale about how fan fiction can potentially lead to genocide and aliens... A slippery slope that leads right into the very depths of the human imagination, and possibly to the bottom of the ocean itself. This is Atlantis!
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Polterbites: This Podcast Kills Fascists.

Garth is back with a brand new Polterbites! This time we talk about what we were up to the last three months while he was away, why he was away, and then we dive into politics and the philosophical ways to oppose fascism. Then finish it off with an old song for a new world.
This would normally be a Patron Exclusive, but we are making it free to everyone so you can all experience it.
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Episode 123: Lights! Phoenix! Action!

Garth has returned from his special assignments, and Cody has returned from Phoenix with a tale to tell. Get out your telescopes and potato cameras, look upwards and through the past to the mid 90's as we explore one of the largest mass UFO sightings in history! And along the way we'll take a ride on a warthog too.
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Episode 122: Mayapocalypse 2012

Cody is joined once again by Dr. Tim King to go over the very complicated workings of the Mayan calendar, and why in the extremely grand scale of things, December 2012 wasn't as much to worry about as many wanted you to believe at the time. Or was it?
Included: ASMR of rain on a cabin roof.
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The Crepuscular Quadrant: They Give

This is the story of Fred and Jane. An ordinary couple who are about to find that not only has The Holiday Season always been a little less stressful when it happens to other people, but more so when it isn't being celebrated in The Crepuscular Quadrant.
Fred..... Lord Havelock
Jane..... The Bibarbarian
Tom/Jaspar..... Cody Franks
Sarah..... Kelly Flynn
Rodd Sterling..... Himself
Written and Directed by.... Cody Franks
Art and Music by..... Garth von Ahnen
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Episode 120: Spooky Lighthouse

Cody talks to his brother Gunner about his obsession with Lighthouses. Why are they so spooky? What are they for? Why is it a bad idea to have two men with the same name in the same one? Follow the flashing beacon to the answers as they try to solve a 124 year old mystery.
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Episode 119: Headless Horsepeople

This time Cody is joined by The Least Haunted beer expert/attorney Travis Alexander of The Hoppy Trails Pod to talk about cephalically challenged equestrians, and the origin of one of the first American Ghost Stories. So tighten the straps on your saddle, pour yourself a nice beer, and hold on tight! It's a bumpy ride. And above all else, don't lose your head. Unless you are into that sort of thing...
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Musical Minisode: Laughing in The Abyss

It's been a stressful few weeks. So this episode is not a typical episode. It's a surprise musical performance the likes of which many an open mic night and local venue has seen before! Honestly, we all just deserve a little break. We will be back to laughing about silly supernatural shenanigans next time.
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Contact us! leasthauntedpodcast@gmail.com
Sources of Su...
The Crepuscular Quadrant: Taint No Sin

You are about to gain ingress to another realm. A zone not just of time, and place... but one that is a theater of the mind. A place where the spooky and horrifying meet both the inane and the ridiculously bizarre or contrived. Grab on to your butts. For you just stumbled on a curb of strange, and tripped into The Crepuscular Quadrant! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Starring: Havelock... The Driver Bibarbarian... Hitchhiker 1 Cody Franks... Hitchhiker 2 Garth von Ahnen... Rodd Steriling Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/6jSqPXupJk Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leasthaunted Follow us on Tumblr! https://l...