Rebel Buddhist
Rebel Buddhist is all about freedom - inside and out - so if you want to tame your mind but not your life, this podcast is for you. In each episode, Master Certified Coach Ana Verzone, DNP, will teach you practical, effective tools from the fields of psychology, eastern spirituality, and self-coaching so you can train your mind to work for you instead of against you. Learn how to get out of your own way and cultivate the compassion and resilience you need for this wild new world. Explore how you can discover your own path to enlightenment and live...
You Are A Cycle Breaker

This week’s episode is all about being a Cycle Breaker. We’ll dive into our lineage of trauma and wounding, how we’re already doing the work to break the cycle of generational trauma, and what we can do to help others break the cycle for themselves. Yes, even in these times.
You will learn:
// How generational cycles and trauma get passed on to future generations
// How to take creaking the cycle of trauma at an individual, family, and community level
// Ways we can meet the challenges of these times withou...
Accepting the Unknown - The Bardo of This Life

This week, we’re talking about how life is full of unpredictability and change and how resisting reality and clinging to the way we think things “should” be leads to unnecessary suffering. We also explore what we can do to learn to let it all BE, without losing our capacity to take actions for a better, more compassionate world.
You will learn:
// What the Bardo is and how we can shift our reactions to the unexpected endings we experience through our day to day lives
// How to let go of resistance to change and le...
Choosing to STAY During Challenging Times

This week, we’re diving into an essential topic for these times - how to stay through difficult experiences with others. I’ll talk about the importance of staying with discomfort for the benefit of our community and the more-than-human world around us. Plus we’ll talk about the key elements we need to help stay through the challenging times as well as when to say, “Thanks but no thanks!” and leave with integrity.
You will learn:
// Why discomfort is inescapable in any community… and how it’s a GOOD thing
// Why it’s important to s...

This week’s episode is all about the concept of KINDfulness and the way that being mindfully kind can have an impact on our world and our day-to-day lives… for ourselves, for others, and for the more-than-human world around us. After all, the world could use more kindfulness now, more than ever.
You will learn:
// What KINDfulness means, and why it’s important in our daily practice
// Stories of KINDfulness that touch the heart
// Why if we want to be “selfish,” we should be kind
// How tiny acts of kindfulnes...
Greatest Hits Vol. 24 - Helping Someone in Crisis

This week’s episode is an extra special one, as we talk about how we can help each other during a crisis or disaster. I'm sure you agree this is a good time to learn these skills! I'll teach you some super practical tools to use when others are processing a recent crisis, and I’ll tell you some things NOT to do - and why.Â
In this episode, you will learn:
// Ways we can all help one another stabilize and heal from disaster or crisis of any kind - even when you're not a thera...
Patience as Rebellion and Radical Love

Let’s take a deep dive into my word of the year: P A T I E N C E. Not the kind of patience like when we’re waiting in line or sitting quietly while our life happens TO us. I’m talking about the radical, world-shifting practice of patience that rewires how we engage with ourselves, others, and this messy, beautiful, unpredictable process we call being human.
You will learn:
// Why patience is such a difficult + rebellious act in today’s world
// The root causes of IMpatience
// What practicing patience...
The Complexity of Our Awakening

Today we talk about how to assess how “awake” we are in the various areas of our spiritual journey and the complexity of this process. This is essential because we can have made amazing progress in one area of awakening (like spiritual insight) but be still lacking in others (like ethics, or relational skills).Â
We enter into real danger when we mistake progress in one area with progress in other areas - think of the example of a spiritual teacher who teaches about their very real experience of unity consciousness while exploiting their students at the same time...
Settling vs. Accepting: A Buddhist Take on Living Your Best Life

This week we talk about the difference between settling vs accepting, and how that helps us live our best life during the precious time we have left in this life. Plus I’ll give you some ways you can begin to change your mindset from shifting to accepting, starting right now. You’ll also learn how to spot BS when you think things are “good enough” but know in your bones that’s far from the truth.
You will learn:
// How settling relates to fear and scarcity
// The key to leaving fear + scarcity behind
...Sweet Darkness - Solstice Love for the Darkness Within and Without

In this week’s episode, we’re diving into the arrival of Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least!) and the importance of embracing and becoming familiar with the inner and outer darkness it brings. We explore remembering the light we all carry within no matter the season; our ziji, our radiant inner confidence, and set the intention that this Solstice be a time of connection - to yourself, your light, and to the gifts that the dark can bring.
You will learn:
// How to use your ziji - radiant inner confidence - as your...
Greatest Hits Vol. 23 - How to Stress Less About Decisions

This is a replay of one of my favorite episodes, because if you’re anything like me and you have a tendency toward some major FOMO with a dash of perfectionism, you can spend some serious energy debating all the options for any decision that comes your way. And we have a lot of decisions to make this time of year!
In this episode you’ll learn:
// The key differences between maximizing and satisficing
// Why too many choices can be a bad thing
// How to make decisions and avoid regret
// Why satisficing ulti...