Wendy's Coffeehouse Curious

10 Episodes

By: Wendy's Coffeehouse

Paranormal, Metaphysics, PSI, UFO, Afterlife. Anything is possible. Blog. (https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/)

Carolyn Wilman: Manifesting extraordinary results, Helene Hadsell's legacy of winning
Last Saturday at 7:04 PM

"The hardest part to overcome is the feeling of lack or scarcity. Also be careful you are not trying to manifest from a place of feeling if you have this thing/experience you will then be enough. You have to feel abundant and whole before manifesting. Practice on small items first and slowly get bigger." - Carolyn Wilman, Source: Winning a House/YouTube

I was fortunate to interview Helene when I started podcasting. Mid 2000 something. I first read about Helene on Joe Vitale's blog. "Helene is fascinating. She personally knew many of the great teachers of the New...

Jes Kerzen - A Mind Beyond Words. Telepathy and Autism. A most extraordinary true life relationship

A Mind Beyond Words. True Story.

Review: This remarkable book, sharing insights into our innate abilities to communicate with each other and other realms of sentience, beyond the limits of space and time, is a timely contribution to our collective and evolutionary potential and emergent journey - Dr Jude Currivan, cosmologist, author and co-founder of Whole World View 

Author Jes Kerzen is a retired Teacher. "A passionate advocate for neurodiverse students, particularly those with autistic spectrum perception and communication challenges, she found that wherever she worked, these were the children who so often appeared in her l...

Steve Snodgrass - John Foster UFO upcoming Documentary

Heads up on the soon to be released 90 minute documentary featuring UFO experiencer John Foster.  A 10 minute trailer is available for preview. John is in his 80's now. He remembers, and has written about, his decades of interaction with UFOs/ETs: Amazon affiliate link.

This documentary ensures his story will be available to a wider audience.

My conversation with Steve Snodgrass is about his presentation on Experiencer John Foster to the Omaha UFO Study Group. 

What is so unique about John? In John’s decades of contact/experience, there are so many examples of the b...

Art Frazier: The Gods Live in the Shadows, the truth about UFOs - ETs are real

"This book is written not only for those who were asking the questions but for those who are strong enough to accept the answers, no matter what form the truth is packaged in." - Art Frazier

Abduction, Sightings, Portals, Experiences on Craft - ETs in the yard and in the house. An experiencer offers his fantastic photograph archive as he continues to document his reality to provide evidence for his encounters and the presence of UFOs and ETs.

In addition to ETs, the descriptions Art offers of the beings he has seen include those categorized as...

Alan Pearce: COMA is not a sleep state - The Beautiful and Disturbing Experiences of Coma Survivors

Nothing about this level of incapacitation resembles the body's natural sleep state recovery. This book is a fantastic resource for anyone who has experienced or known someone who has experienced being in a coma. The authors have done a tremendous amount of research pulling together past history, current practice, and evidential reports from experiencers to offer insight in an effort to advocate much needed change.

Coma and Near-Death Experience, The Beautiful, Disturbing, and Dangerous World of the Unconscious, By Alan Pearce and Beverley Pearce

Hearing these stories, knowing the extreme trauma experienced by some, the message...

Meg Hansen: Metaphysical Ireland - Hypnosis, Research, Ingo Swann, Dick Sutphen, UFOs and Portals, and PTSD and Hypnotherapy

Meg covered so many topics, I didn't want to leave anything out. We cover Hypnosis, Research, Seeing and contacting UFOs with Dick Sutphen and Ingo Swann in Sedona, portals, PTSD, Hypnotherapy, Psychic Archaeology and an extraordinary healing experience at Giant's Causeway and Mountsandel, the adjustment of acclimating to her new home in Ireland, and now, Northern Ireland as she continues her research.

PTSD - Meg lost everything in the Woolsey, CA fire. [The fire ignited on November 8, 2018, and burned 96,949 acres (39,234 hectares) of land. The fire destroyed 1,643 structures, killed three people, and prompted the evacuation of more than 295,000 people...

Robbie Holz - Guardian Angel assisted - mind, body, spirit healing

 Whole health healing.  Mind - body - spirit.

Robbie Holz shares how her relationship continues with [now deceased husband] Gary and has expanded with other spirit connections. She has authored two books since we last connected.

Angels in Waiting: How to Reach Out to Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides, Amazon affiliate link.

And a 60-day guidebook - Vibrant Living: Braving the Pandemic with Help from Your Guardian Angel, Amazon sponsored link.
Amazon Review [edited]: "Robbie's book focuses on communication with spirit--specifically with your angels. The most powerful aspect of this book for...

Steve Neill - Experiencer. Breaking the Silence: UFO. But Something is There

"Since early childhood, Steve knew he was having experiences with entities he could not explain..." - But Something is There, Steve Neill, Amazon affiliate link.

Breaking the Silence [logo pictured] is a must listen for anyone with an account to share or an interest in the alien abduction phenomenon. UFO, UAP, ET, Alien experiencers tell their stories - no hype, no debunkers, no hysteria. Content that might provide clues to the phenomenon. If not clues - to at least offer validation for those who know what they experienced.

Alien abduction - or something more. A global...

Psychic Firefighter, Andrew Radziewicz sees Angels, Ghosts, ETs, and calls in UFOs

FDNY firefighter claims he’s seen ghosts, aliens and angels. That's the headline that blew his cover. Andrew Radziewicz is a psychic medium. He connects with non-human intelligence and he calls in UFOs, an ability he learned on a CE-5 retreat with Dr. Steven Greer.

Initially, maintaining a low profile with his PSI abilities, the cat was out of the bag after an article was published in The New York Post. Link. The pleasant surprise - he discovered he had support at work, and among the friends he had made as he shared his experiences.
With exp...

IngoSwann.com update highlights Non-Human-Entities and Telepathy

Long time coming for those of us who have been reading between the lines over the past decade and/or more. The new section on the Ingo Swann website is devoted to NHE, Non-Human-Entities: Ingo Swann

Conversation with Ingo's niece. Elly Flippen manages the Estate of Ingo Swann. She talks about the importance of the page addition and what Ingo might advise Remote Viewers who are trying to contact ETs.

Amazon Bio: INGO SWANN was internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and as a leading figure in...