Dad Smarter Not Harder

10 Episodes

By: Jun Loayza

Jun Loayza becomes a human guinea pig, putting his parenting life in full display with the goal of helping others learn from his parenting mistakes. Let's grow together and become the best fathers that we can be.

Turn a spousal fight into a positive

When unexpected challenges arise in our household, like our daughter accidentally having an accident in her room, it's easy for tensions to rise. But what if we could turn these moments into valuable lessons for our children? In this video, I share a personal experience where my wife was on the verge of exploding with frustration. Instead of adding fuel to the fire, I chose a different approach: 1️⃣ Immediate Action: I took the initiative to clean up the mess, ensuring my wife could take a moment to breathe and regroup. 2️⃣ Involving Our Daughter: By involving our daughter in the cleanup...

The GrACE Framework for Parenting

Parenting in today's digital age can be challenging, but with the right tools and mindset, we can raise resilient, empathetic, and self-assured children. Dive into the GrACE Framework, a holistic approach to parenting that focuses on nurturing essential life skills: 🌱 G - Growth Mindset: Cultivate a belief in your child that they can always learn, adapt, and improve. Let's raise kids who embrace challenges and see failures as opportunities for growth. 🏠 r - Responsibility: Involve your child in household tasks and decisions. When they contribute, they learn the value of hard work and the importance of being a team player...

How to improve intimacy with your wife



Hey parents! Today, we're diving into a topic that many men often struggle with - improving intimacy with their wives. If you've ever felt that the spark is fading or that your wife isn't as interested in intimacy, this video is for you. Contrary to popular belief, the key to a thriving intimate relationship isn't just about the physical aspect. It's about creating an environment of love, respect, and understanding. 

🌹 In this video, we'll explore the TWO PILLARS of imp...

How to insult your kids


Hey everyone! Today's topic might have caught your eye, but rest assured, we're NOT here to promote negativity. Inspired by a recent incident with Cardi B, we're diving deep into how we should react when faced with haters or negative comments. 

We all face criticism, be it online or in real life. But how should we, and more importantly, our children, respond? 🤔 In this video, I'll share a simple yet powerful technique I've taught my kids to handle such situations. 

Instead of getting dragged into a war of wor...

Boredom is essential for your kids

Tweet by Joe Cassandra: 

How to raise an adult: In today's fast-paced world, many parents feel the pressure to keep their children constantly entertained and engaged. But is this non-stop stimulation truly beneficial? 

In this video, we dive deep into the often overlooked value of boredom for children's development. 

🌱 Discover: 

Why boredom isn't the enemy, but a catalyst for creativity. 🎨 The misconceptions surrounding children's need for constant entertainment. How overstimulation can hinder a child's ability to think independently. Practical tips for parents: swapping digi...

An unhappy wife is an indictment on the man


In today's video, we delve deep into the dynamics of marital happiness and the pivotal role a man plays in setting the tone for the family. It's often said that an unhappy wife is a reflection of her husband's leadership. As the protector and provider, a man's duty is to set a clear vision for his family, ensuring that both partners complement each other in their journey towards collective success. If your wife is discontented, it's time to introspect and ask yourself: Are you truly leading your family in the right d...

Don't tell your children what to do

Hunt, Gather, Parent: 

Have you ever noticed that simply telling children what to do doesn't always yield the desired results? Dive into today's video as we explore the fascinating world of storytelling as a potent tool for guiding and teaching our young ones. 

Drawing inspiration from the enlightening book "Hunt, Gather, Parent" by Michaeleen Doucleff, we uncover the age-old wisdom of various cultures that have harnessed the magic of stories to impart values, lessons, and life skills to their children. 

🌟 What You'll Learn: 

Why direct instructions often miss the mark wi...

Don't help your children get back up


How to raise an adult: 

In today's video, we dive deep into the essential lesson of allowing our children to experience life's challenges and the beauty of overcoming them on their own. It's natural for parents to want to protect their kids, but are we overdoing it? Inspired by the insightful book "How to Raise an Adult," we discuss the pitfalls of over-parenting and the long-term consequences it can have on our children's growth and self-confidence. 

By constantly stepping in, we inadvertently sen...

Don't love your children the same way

Tweet by Eric Bandholz: 

Sibling without rivalry: 

Ever tried to apply the same parenting blueprint to all your kids, only to find it doesn't quite fit? That's because each child is a unique puzzle, requiring a distinct solution. In this video, we're going to explore the art and science of loving each child in their own special way. We're not just talking theory here. We're diving into real-world examples, actionable strategies, and practical wisdom. We're going to show you how to adapt, improvise, and overcome th...

Prepare the child for the road

Response to this Tweet by Nick Huber: 

The Coddling of the American Mind: 

This video delves into the crucial concept of not merely smoothing out the path for our children, but rather, arming them with the necessary skills to traverse life's unpredictable terrain. We spotlight the importance of teaching self-control, a vital life skill that can significantly shape a child's future. Using the relatable example of video games, we illustrate how instilling self-discipline in children can enable them to manage their impulses effectively. Instead of imposing st...