Self Reflection Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Lira Ndifon

Self-Reflection Podcast is based on real emotions and feelings. If you are like me, you know sometimes it's hard to put yourself first, stay positive, and be motivated. Self-Reflection Podcast creates room for self-growth and improvement. Our mental health and overall well-being are directly impacted and connected to how we see and value ourselves. Self-Reflection Podcast seeks to motivate, inspire, and encourage individuals to prioritize their mental health.  SELF-REFLECTION PODCAST TACKLE TOPICS ON MENTAL HEALTH AND SOME OF THE MOST POIGNANT ISSUES FACING OUR COMMUNITIES AND THE WORLD. Join us on our journey to reconnecting with our higher self as we...

Understanding Emotional Intelligence with Lira Ndifon
Last Thursday at 12:00 AM

Feeling overwhelmed? Lost in your thoughts? You're not alone. Self-Reflection Podcast is your personal guide to navigating life's complexities. 

Join Lira Ndifon on a transformative journey of self-discovery. This podcast delves deep into the intricacies of the human mind, offering practical tools and insights for navigating life's challenges. Through candid conversations, guided meditations, and expert advice, listeners are empowered to understand their emotions, build resilience, and unlock their full potential. 

Lira shares practical tools and inspiring insights to help you understand your emotions, build resilience, and unlock your full potential. Le...

Kenya Protests: Unrest and Broken Promises
Last Monday at 12:00 AM

Join Lira Ndifon on a deep dive into self-reflection and the pressing issues facing Africa. In this episode, we explore the complexities of leadership, human rights, and the pursuit of justice. From the vibrant streets of Kenya to the global stage, we unpack the challenges and aspirations of a continent on the rise.

We begin by emphasizing the importance of self-reflection as a tool for personal growth and spiritual connection. This episode delves into the power of introspection and its role in addressing the multifaceted issues plaguing Africa. With raw honesty...

Nurturing Your Inner Child

Uncover the hidden wounds of your inner child with this transformative meditation episode. Join Lira Ndifon on a journey of self-discovery and healing as she guides you through a soothing meditation practice. This episode invites you to reconnect with your younger self, offering a safe space to acknowledge past experiences and cultivate self-compassion. By releasing past hurts and nurturing your inner child, you'll unlock a deeper sense of self-love and empowerment. Let go of limiting beliefs and step into a brighter future.

#meditation #selfcare #innerchildhealing #mentalhealth #mindfulness #healingjourney #selflove #podcast

Untitled EpisodeFrom Hoop Dreams to Life Lessons: Coach Mike Allen on Self-Reflection Podcast

Lira interviews Mike Allen, a familiar face from her high school days when he coached her basketball team. Mike Allen's impressive background includes being the founder and CEO of Ballin Ambassador, the director of Awaken A Christian Academic in Las Vegas, and holding a master's degree in sports management and leadership.

Mike Allen also boasts a successful career playing professional basketball overseas before returning to the United States. During the podcast, Mike Allen expresses his enthusiasm for the growing recognition of women's basketball, a sport he feels has been undervalued for...

Beyond Religion: Unveiling the Power of African Spirituality with Dr. Kwasi Konadu

Feeling lost and searching for a spiritual path outside of organized religion? This episode of Self-Reflection Podcast might be the answer you've been looking for. This dives deep into African spirituality with Dr. Kwasi Konadu, uncovering its core practices and philosophies was originally conducted and aired on “I never knew Tv” on YouTube.

Dr. Konadu emphasizes the distinction between religion and spirituality. Religion, he explains, often relies on dogma and strict belief systems, whereas African spirituality is a practice that fosters a direct connection with the creative force of the universe. This...

The Reasons Why Men and Women Cheat in a Relationship with Lira Ndifon.

Alright everyone, Lira here, and buckle up because we're tackling a tough one today: cheating. It's a topic that can tear relationships apart and leave you feeling lost. But hey, that's why we're here – to navigate the rough waters together.

Now, why do people cheat? It's a tangled mess, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Guys might stray because of, well, let's be honest, sometimes it's just physical desire. But it can also be deeper than that. Maybe they feel unseen or unwanted by their partner, or maybe they're grappling with low se...

You Are Worthy: Self-Reflection Podcast with Lira Ndifon

Feeling lost, anxious, or unsure of your path? You're not alone. Join Lira Ndifon, your guide on a journey of self-discovery and growth on the Self-Reflection Podcast.

In this episode, Lira gets real about her own mission to create positive change in the world, and how her passion for personal development fueled the creation of Self-Reflection Podcast.

Lira also shares her vision for the future, which includes giving back to the community, particularly in Africa. But she can't do it alone. She extends a...

You Are Worthy: Self-Reflection Podcast with Lira Ndifon

Feeling lost, anxious, or unsure of your path? You're not alone. Join Lira Ndifon, your guide on a journey of self-discovery and growth on the Self-Reflection Podcast.

In this episode, Lira gets real about her own mission to create positive change in the world, and how her passion for personal development fueled the creation of Self-Reflection Podcast, now a non-profit organization!

Lira also shares her vision for the future, which includes giving back to the community, particularly in Africa. But she can't do it...

Reprogram Your Mind for Success with Anton Wisbiski

Ever feel like your inner voice is your worst enemy?  You're not alone. In this episode of Self Reflection Podcast, we delve into the transformative power of the subconscious mind with entrepreneur Anton Wisbiski.

Anton's story is one of resilience and radical self-discovery.  We explore his journey from battling crippling anxiety to achieving remarkable success.  Along the way, he uncovers the hidden potential within his own subconscious, a force that can either propel us forward or hold us back.

This episode is a masterclass in...

Reprogram Your Mind By Replacing Negative with The People You Love

Struggling with negativity and self-doubt? Ever feel like your inner critic is holding you back?

Join Lira Ndifon, host of Self-Reflection Sunday and self-love coach, for a powerful episode on reprogramming your mind for positivity.

In this episode, Lira dives into the science behind our subconscious mind and how it can get stuck in negative thought loops. But fear not! Lira offers a practical 3-step process to break free and cultivate a more positive mindset:

Become Aware of Your Negative Programming: Lira guides you to...