Until The Very End

10 Episodes

By: Until The Very End

What's up witches?! Join Abby & Sarah as we go chapter by chapter, diving into theories, events that occur in both the magical & muggle world, and any other thought that pops in our heads. We release new episodes every Tuesday on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, and anywhere else you find your podcast. Stay with us...Until The Very End. We do not agree with the views of the author. https://linktr.ee/untiltheveryendpodcast

Chapter 27 - The Centaur and the Sneak
Last Tuesday at 9:00 AM

Chapter 27 - The Centaur and the Sneak, covered by Abby!

Hermione and Dean are cancelled. Firenze is giving us the tea and Draco is busting up the party. Omg Dumbledore is talking to us, everyone stay calm. 


Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 26 - Seen and Unforeseen

Chapter 26 - Seen and Unforeseen, covered by Sarah!

Ginny has been stealing from the boys for 8ish years now and has saved their butts. The Quibbler is bringing friends together but also bringing along some internet troll vibes. And Voldy checking himself out in the mirror has Harry seriously freaked out.  


Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 25 - The Beetle at Bay

Chapter 25 - The Beetle at Bay, covered by Abby!

Death Eaters on the run and Dementors ignoring faxes. Is there anyone Karkaroff didn't rat out? Let's go into the Death Eaters that escaped followed by a very awkward coffee date with Cho. 


Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 24 - Occlumency

Chapter 24 - Occlumency covered by Sarah!

Telling Death Eaters exactly where Harry is, then  leaving him on the side of the road - what? Harry gets to take remedial potions with Snape, I mean Occlumency.  Sounds cool in theory.


Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 23 - Christmas On The Closed Ward

Chapter 23 - Christmas On The Closed Ward, covered by Abby!

Hermione keeps Harry from running away (again) and Ginny reminds us all that she got weirdly close to Voldy once. It also wouldn't be Christmas without some family drama. A peak into Neville's life and we all get put to work at St. Mungo's.


Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 22 - St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Chapter 22 - St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, covered by Sarah!

Mal-a-dy. Got it. Ok our boy might be a snake. Nope nvm. Just a weird$$ connection to Voldy and Nagini. A dive into the silver clinking instrument and what it actually means. With Harry in the dark (and wanting to bite Dumbledore), he has no idea what to expect. At least Moody put him at ease. Nope nvm. 


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Bonus Episode - Umbridge! Part 1!!

Bonus episode - Umbridge, Part 1, covered by Sarah!

Why is Umbridge the WORST? Lemme tell you her backstory, her character, and who she reminds us of...


Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 21 - The Eye of the Snake

Chapter 21 - The Eye of the Snake, covered by Abby!

Is Hagrid...sexy...? Anyway. He has the coolest class until Umbridge shows up. Penpal vacations, awkward first kisses, and a wild dream.

Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 20 - Hagrid’s Tale

Chapter 20 - Hagrid’s Tale, covered by Sarah!

Hagrid is back and his besties are so excited to hear the tea. Gurgs, gifts, and ugh Umbridge's attitude.


Don't forget to check out our Linktree below! 


Chapter 19 - The Lion and the Serpent

Chapter 19 - The Lion and the Serpent, covered by Abby!

Counterfeit money, Greek god history, and Harry has all the street smarts thanks to Dudley. Ron's first quidditch match ends with muggle-fighting and Angelina might be decompressing with McGonnagall.


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