The Determined People Podcast
Hello! Welcome to The Determined People Podcast, hosted by John Harrell, bestselling author, inspirational speaker, blogger and now podcaster. The Determined People Podcast is a two-pronged approach to podcasting. Every day I offer a 30 second inspirational message designed to start your day the right way. It’s not rah-rah stuff or fluff. The messages are designed to make you think, to inspire you, and to sustain you as you face the unknown challenges of the day. Bi-weekly I post interviews with real people who have honest, relatable stories. People who are willing to share their experience, strength and hope from th...
Creating space in your life for God doesn't turn you into some religious freak. In fact, I have a difficult time being around those types of people. But God will bring peace and fulfillment into your life...
You can create the type of home life you want. Always keep trying.
Valentines Day
Yesterday was Valentines Day in the United States. It's the day to show love to your significant other. But shouldn't we be doing that every day?
When you are dealing with phonies, you are never sure who you are talking to.
Better Together
Have you ever gone to a concert and asked someone about their politics? Of course not! We go to get away from life's troubles.
Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye can be difficult.
The Critics
We cannot escape criticism in this life. It's vitally important to know who to listen to and who to filter out. Be the one who tries to improve the world through our words and actions.
Dare To Be Different
You were created on purpose, not by some whimsical, careless Creator. There is nothing random about you. So, be yourself and don't look back.
And The Beat Goes On...
I encourage you to take a break from the political noise. It will do you some good.
This Must Change
Obesity is at epidemic levels in the United States. The good news is that we can do something about it.