The Warrior Within

10 Episodes

By: Jaci Rogash

Hosted by Trauma Transformation & Energy Coach, Jaci Rogash, The Warrior Within is a podcast about real life stories of transformation, navigating life and being able to show up in the world as your unapologetic self. We’ll talk about the ups, the downs, the ugly truths and the magical moments that we all experience, but often feel we can’t share, so we can bring to life the importance of having meaningful conversations and embracing our own journey in this crazy thing we call life.

156. 5 simple & powerful ways to recentre yourself

Recentering yourself when things feel a little rocky shouldn’t be challenging or hard. 

In this episode I’m chatting through 5 simple and powerful ways to recentre yourself. 

They include: 

BreathChange your environmentDrinkingIntentional self care or mindfulnessReconnect to joy 

Connect with me: 

Book a Discovery Call: my Facebook Group Email:

165. Being the advocate you always needed

But what if, instead of relying on anyone else, YOU WERE that person! 

That you were your biggest advocate. 

That you listened and supported yourself through anything and everything. 

That you championed for what you want. 

That you said yes to the things that scare the shit out of you because you knew, that no matter what you were supported. 

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164. Is your trauma sabotaging you?

It’s so important to speak to this and bring it to your awareness because once you can identify that some of your actions are self-sabotage, then you can empower yourself to change and remove these patterns and habits.  

But ultimately - once you realise that something you continually do is simply self-sabotage, it is so much easier to remove this habit from your life because mentally you identify it as a block and it’s you getting in your own way. 

So, is your trauma sabotaging you? 


163. Acknowledging what is causing you pain

Acknowledgement is the first step to healing. 

You must first acknowledge what is causing you pain if you truly want to heal and move forward. 

Here are 3 questions to get you started: 

What is *actually* causing you pain? What is holding you back from living the life you desire? What do I need to do in order to move forward? 

Check out this episode to learn why acknowledgement is so important and how you can start to do it. 


162. Why it's easier to live a miserable life

The bottom line - it’s because it’s what you know and what you’re used to. 

It is easier to fall into the trap of misery, sadness, lack, bitterness and wanting for more than it is to create a life you’re actually in love with because in so many ways, we are taught and shown that we shouldn’t be happy with ourselves, we should want more, we aren’t enough, we aren’t worthy… 

It takes courage and bravery to choose a different path, which ultimately makes i...

161. Energy Vampires

We all know those people… 

The people you spend some time with and afterwards you’re just wiped. You feel like you’ve just run a marathon and all you’ve done is gone for coffee.. 

In this episode I’m breaking down what an Energy Vampire is and what to do if you have people like this in your life. 

If you’re unsure if someone is an Energy Vampire you can do an exploration in 2 ways: 

How do you feel in your body you ar...

160. Protecting children's emotions

In this episode I’m sharing why it is so important for us to protect and foster children's emotions and to bring light to some of the things we do that could impact their ability to feel. 

If here’s something your child does that bothers you - maybe take a look at yourself and see why that bothers you so much. What makes that so uncomfortable for you? 

Let’s stop trying to make our kids fit into certain moulds and expecting them to be how we want them to...

159. The bullshit narrative of "Just Think Positive"

If anyone who tells you to just think positive and to ignore any other emotions or things that are coming up - RUN!!!!! 

In this episode I’m sharing why just think positive is a bullshit narrative and how to determine if you do in fact need to shift your perspective to thinking positive, or whether there’s deeper work to be done. 

Here are 3 questions to help you determine the right step path? 

Is there something I am avoiding by thinking positive? Would thinking positive dismiss something that req...

158. Are you unknowingly harming yourself?

In this episode I’m chatting through some of the ways in which you might be self harming without even realising it. 

Trigger warning - I do mention self harm, so please listen at your own discretion. 

Connect with me: 

Book a Discovery Call: my Facebook Group Email:

157. Have you healed or have you blocked?

The intention of this episode is to check in to see if you truly have healed your trauma or whether you’ve just blocked your trauma.

If I was to ask you to tell me your story - are there pieces you would leave out? 

Are there pieces you guard? 

Are there things you don’t remember? 

Does it make you super uncomfortable? 

Tune in to this episode to hear the difference and why so often we block instead of healing. 
