Mopcare ...the voice for the Seniors
Mopcare Educational series presents health promotional contents to:- empower seniors to live with dignity and choice and to savor their old age,- improve the quality of lives of our senior citizens.
The Relationship Between Adults and their Children

This episode explores how the health and well-being of adults can significantly improve by listening to the voices of children and having them around. It also discusses how their presence can positively impact our health and offers insights on how to encourage their closeness or maintain healthy boundaries when needed.
The Dangers That Shame Can Cause to Adults

Lot’s story was shared, and lessons were learned about not letting shame rob us of help and happiness.
Preventive Health Measures for Elders

This episode talks about two types of Preventive health ans Curative health but emphasis was made of preventive health. Tips were given on what to do and habits that we need to let go as we grow older.
Cough and it's effects on elders

The Dangers of Haste in Our Lives as Older Adults

This episode talks about the dangers older people face when they live their day to day lives exerting pressure and haevy work loads on their bodies. Tips and suggestions were given to guard against this types of occurence.
ĂŚmò nĂpa ìlera Ă gbĂ

This episode focuses on the health of our elders. It has been noticed that some elders start using drugs that are beneficial to their health and they do not complete it it they don’t use it properly. The side effects of doing this is explained in detail in this episode and actionable steps to take are discussed so elders don’t continue this practice.
ĂŚhĂ tĂ a kọ sà ètò ìlera Ă gbĂ

This episode focuses on the attitude and disposition elders have towards their health that can either help or affect their health. This attitude can come from our elders or from the children or caregivers. Elders are supposed to carrry out routine check ups and we are advised to do it. It is also necessary for caregivers and children to pay attention to the health of their elders and we are admonished to do this.
Ewu ìlera à gbà Part 2

This episode continues on the things we need to do to live a healthy life as an adult. Three things were focused on; knowledge of our health and the changes that can occur as an adult, how our disposition to our health can help or harm us, and lastly desires that we should have to bring progress to our bodies and minds.
Ewu ìlera à gbà Part 1

This episode focuses on the things that cause sickness in our elders knowingly or unknowingly. Some of these things include drinking dirty water, excessive eating drinking alcohol and smoking. Another thing that can cause sickness is lonliness of the heart and this can be as deadly as smoking. Cases of lonliness of the heart was discussed, how to detect it and how to mitigate against it.
Bà ati ńtójú à gbà tà óńsarón

This episode focuses on how we can care for elders and parents who are losing their memories. This episode dives in to explain what dementia is and what its not and what our elders can do to keep their memories sharp.