The Catholic Morning Show

10 Episodes

By: Iowa Catholic Radio

Connecting Listeners to Christ. The Catholic Morning Show, a nationally known radio show conveys a message of lasting fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Through prayer, the Sacraments, family life, and the help of Mary and the saints, We want to cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus, and help others do the same.

The Catholic Morning Show - Hugh Owen - 02/14/2025
Today at 4:17 PM

Hugh Owen - Hugh Owen lives in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia with his wife Maria Mitchell Owen, with whom he has had nine children and twenty grandchildren. Hugh currently serves the Director of the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation, an apostolate he founded in the Jubilee Year 2000, to provide a forum for Catholic theologians, philosophers, and natural scientists who reject the evolutionary hypothesis and who defend the traditional Catholic interpretation of Genesis 1-11.

During the past thirty years, he has written many books and articles on theological and other topics for various publications.

The Catholic Morning Show - Angela Franks - 02/14/2025
Today at 4:16 PM

Angela Franks - Angela Franks, Ph.D., is a theologian, speaker, writer, and mother of six. She serves as Professor of Theology at St. John's Seminary in Boston and as a Senior Fellow at the Abigail Adams Institute in Cambridge. She is the President-elect for the Academy of Catholic Theology for 2024-25, as well as a Life and Dignity Writing Fellow for Church Life Journal (University of Notre Dame).

Today we talk about the Theology of the Body from the perspective of a professor and mom.

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The Catholic Morning Show - 02/14/2025
Today at 4:12 PM

Today on the Catholic Morning Show:

Fr. Ray McHenry - A retired priest in the Diocese of Des Moines, He gives us the Gospel reflection for this upcoming Sunday the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Angela Franks - Angela Franks, Ph.D., is a theologian, speaker, writer, and mother of six. She serves as Professor of Theology at St. John's Seminary in Boston and as a Senior Fellow at the Abigail Adams Institute in Cambridge. She is the President-elect for the Academy of Catholic Theology for 2024-25...

The Catholic Morning Show - Dcn. Randy Kiel - 02/13/2025
Yesterday at 3:58 PM

Dcn Randy will give us a Reflection on the First and Second Readings for this upcoming Sunday's Mass the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Credits: Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Deacon Tony Valdez, Matt Willkom, Ayden Pugh



You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube! You can also find more information on our website.

If you would like to support Iowa Catholic Radio you can donate Here!


Iowa Catholic Radio Network Shows:

Be Not Afraid with Fr. PJ McManusCatholic Women Now wi...

The Catholic Morning Show - Nate Sparks - 02/13/2025
Yesterday at 3:51 PM

Today we talk about a new concert series put on by Sacred Heart Catholic Church called 'Sing a New Song' - A Catholic World Premier Concert Series.
Learn More at

Credits: Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Deacon Tony Valdez, Matt Willkom, Ayden Pugh



You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube! You can also find more information on our website.

If you would like to support Iowa Catholic Radio you can donate Here!


Iowa Catholic Ra...

The Catholic Morning Show - John Bishop - 02/13/2025
Yesterday at 3:50 PM

John Bishop - Founder and executive director of Forge, John talks about the upcoming Forge conference and how the men of our world can shape the world, not with power or wealth, but with Faith.


Credits: Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Deacon Tony Valdez, Matt Willkom, Ayden Pugh



You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube! You can also find more information on our website.

If you would like to support Iowa Catholic Radio you can donate Here!


Iowa Catholic Rad...

The Catholic Morning Show - 02/13/2025
Yesterday at 3:49 PM

Today on the Catholic Morning Show:

Deacon Randy Kiel - Dcn Randy will give us a Reflection on the First and Second Readings for this upcoming Sunday's Mass the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

John Bishop - Founder and executive director of Forge, John talks about the upcoming Forge conference and how the men of our world can shape the world, not with power or wealth, but with Faith.

Nate Sparks - Today we talk about a new concert series put on by Sacred Heart Catholic Church called 'Sing a New Song...

Fr. Ryan Andrew - The Catholic Morning Show - 02/12/2025
Last Wednesday at 2:00 PM

Today on the Catholic Morning Show

It's a Snow Day!

Fr. Ryan Andrew -  Associate Pastor at St. Luke the Evangelist, Fr. Ryan talks about the upcoming Youth 2000 retreat put on the by the Diocese of Des Moines. He talks about his experience and conversion at a Youth 2000 Retreat.  

Learn More and Register at:


Credits: Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Deacon Tony Valdez, Matt Willkom, Ayden Pugh



Fr. PJ McManus - Introit: the Tip of the Spear - 02/12/2025
Last Wednesday at 2:00 PM

Fr. PJ McManus - Today we have our regular Wednesday segment with Fr. PJ called Introit the Tip of the Spear.

Credits: Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Deacon Tony Valdez, Matt Willkom, Ayden Pugh



You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube! You can also find more information on our website.

If you would like to support Iowa Catholic Radio you can donate Here!


Iowa Catholic Radio Network Shows:

Be Not Afraid with Fr. PJ McManusCatholic Women Now with Chris Magruder an...

The Catholic Morning Show - 02/12/2025
Last Wednesday at 2:00 PM

Today on the Catholic Morning Show

It's a Snow Day!

Fr. Ryan Andrew -  Associate Pastor at St. Luke the Evangelist, Fr. Ryan talks about the upcoming Youth 2000 retreat put on the by the Diocese of Des Moines. He talks about his experience and conversion at a Youth 2000 Retreat.  

Learn More and Register at:


Fr. PJ McManus - Today we have our regular Wednesday segment with Fr. PJ called Introit the Tip of...