Cynical Libertarian Society

10 Episodes

By: Cynical Libertarian Society

I am right and you are wrong.

Stating The Obvious 0785 – Book Discussion – Count Down – Episode IX: The Population Of Earth Is Going To Implode Not Explode. Muh Experts Were and Are Too Stupid To See This One Coming.
Today at 11:32 AM

How much does it cost to get The Great One to do a podcast on a topic of your choice? Hint: Not $100.

You do you!

Global population. It’s not going to explode. It’s going to implode. Women would rather have a diploma, career, and fur baby than have children.

Women can not write. This book is long winded sentences filled with commas.

The bigger the city you live in the less healthy you are likely to be and the less healthy the people around you will be.


Other People’s Podcasts 0111 – The Grillcast: Civil Grape
Last Sunday at 11:02 AM

Join the hosts as we discuss a based homeless man destroying the libs, Donald Trump’s civil rape, analyze the writers guild strike and more!—Civil-Grape-e23sc32

Disclaimer for stupid people.

All podcasts not created by the Cynical Libertarian Society you find on this site or in the CLS RSS feed (such as the podcast attached to this post) have been posted without permission of the creator(s). Said creator(s) do not endorse, support, agree with, care about or even know about the Cyni...

Stating The Obvious 0784 – Book Discussion – Count Down – Episode VIII: Women Explain Everything With Magic. Most Of Our Problems Can Be Solved By Eating More Meat and Impregnating Our Women.
Last Saturday at 3:19 PM

The Great One loves you so much that he woke up from his nap in the sun to record this podcast. This podcast will either be totally shitty or a great triumph. You decide.

The decline in insect populations – and thus the decline in animals which eat the insects. Gosh, if only we ate cows that ate grass so many of these problems would go away.

Women don’t understand dogs. She thinks her fur baby came out of her womb.

Bird populations are declining.

If we just vote for the righ...

Anarchy Moment 0408 – The Great One Reviews A Movie, A Book, and A Play.

The Great One reviews:

Legion of Super-Heroes.

It’s really a Supergirl movie. You wouldn’t know that from the title. The father could not be reached for comment.

Supergirl in Legion of Super-Heroes

Supergirl in Batman/Superman: Apocalypse. A very good movie.

The Redeemers by T.J. Martinell.

It’s the prequel to his two book trilogy.

The Aridian. I highly recomm...

Other People’s Podcasts 0110 – Starting Strength Radio: Fossil Future with Alex Epstein

Muscle head makes Jew uncomfortable by saying “there is no such thing as settled science.”

Rip talks to the author of Fossil Future, Alex Epstein, about the need for increased usage and accessibility of fossil fuels, the advantages of fossil fuel consumption, the impact on global warming, and the role of nuclear energy.

00:33 Alex Epstein
01:26 Fossil Future
04:29 Rip’s position
10:07 Philosophy of science
14:30 Global warming
19:53 Selecting the terminology/Naming the state of things a catastrophe
26:33 Fear and guilt
31:06 Nuclear energy
41:44 Incentives
48:38 In conclusion


Stating The Obvious 0783 – Book Discussion – Count Down – Episode VII: Global Warming Is Jewish Propaganda To Distract You From The Fact That The Frogs and Many Other Animals Are In Fact Turning Gay.

Vapid – adjective. without liveliness or spirit; dull or tedious: a vapid party;vapid conversation. lacking or having lost life, sharpness, or flavor; insipid; flat

The word means exactly what I thought it did. Describes women perfectly.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is indeed great.

Holy shit. $300 for a semen analysis?

Once again we voyage into areas where smart people didn’t need science to tell them this.

All them chemicals in plastics that is “toxic” has been replaced by other chemicals which are also...

Stating The Obvious 0782 – Book Discussion – Count Down – Episode VI: The Danger To Women’s Reproduction is Eating Too Little and Exercising Too Much. You Read That Correctly.

The Wall ain’t gonna hit itself gurls. You gotta girlboss your fat ass right into that Wall.

My AGD is huge! How big is yours?

The danger to women’s reproduction is . . . wait for it . . . I can’t make this up . . . this is really in the book.

Wait for it…

Eating too little and exercising too much.

Yes. You read that correctly.

What percentage of women eat too little and exercise too much? What percentage of women are fat and diabetic? What is really going on here? I...

Other People’s Podcasts 0109 – Art Of Manliness: How to Avoid Death by Comfort

For as long as I’ve been doing this podcast I’ve been telling you what my very first Lieutenant in the infantry told the platoon on a regular basis. “Comfort kills. Stagnation is death.”

Nietzsche’s maxim, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” isn’t just a sound philosophical principle. It’s also a certifiable physiological phenomenon; toxins and stressors that could be deadly in large doses, actually improve health and resilience in smaller, intermittent ones. The ironic thing, my guest points out, is that it’s the fact that we’re not getting enough of this sublethal...

Stating The Obvious 0781 – Book Discussion – Count Down – Episode V: Why Are Atheists Who Claim To Believe In Evolution Spending So Much Of My Money To Circumvent Evolution?

One hundred percent safe and effective! Saw it on muh TV!

Listening to Hillary Hahn, eating a pound of bacon, and watching In Harm’s Way with John Wayne. Good movie. Very good. You should watch it.

Women can not distinguish good from bad because they are too obsessed with virtue signalling.

We return to the AGD discussion. This woman continues to illustrate why women shouldn’t write books and why women can not be scientists.

The shorter your AGD the smaller your penis and the lower your sperm count.


Stating The Obvious 0780 – Book Discussion – Count Down – Episode IV: Our Society Is Creating A Brave New Inclusive Non-binary World. And Gosh, Society Is Getting Worse.

Once again well delve into

Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race

We pick up with the survey in which we discover 63% of trannie children have at least one mental illness. At least one. That means most of them have multiple mental illnesses.

This is where the retards say “correlation doesn’t equal causation.”

Then I say “Ya know what correlation does equal? It equal...