Pure Desire Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Pure Desire Ministries, Trevor Winsor, Nick Stumbo

A weekly podcast helping you take back your life from the effects of unwanted sexual behavior and betrayal trauma.

368 - Rebuilding Life After Discovery
Last Tuesday at 9:30 AM

The moment of discovery in a marriage or relationship is crushing. The exposure of sexual addiction or unfaithfulness wrecks the relationship. Is there any hope to rebuild? Should we even rebuild? On today's episode, we're joined by Traci Wright (Pure Desire Clinician). Traci knows firsthand the damage the discovery of sexual betrayal does. But she also knows the healing power of Jesus and walking a recovery and healing journey. With Traci's help, we talk through what it looks like to rebuild our lives after discovery.


Full Episode Video (YouTube)

Seven Pillars of...

367 - Stories Of Healing: Vicki & Johnny Greenfield

Vicki and Johnny Greenfield are legends in the Pure Desire community! Today, we get to hear their story of healing. Starting with how sexuality was discussed in their homes, moving to sexual brokenness and how it entered their lives, and then moving to how God healed them and their marriage—their story is powerful! Not only will you be encouraged by their story of healing, but you will be inspired by how God is using them in their heart to help other hurting couples. Enjoy the Greenfield's story—it's incredible!


Full Episode Video (YouTube)

366 - Betrayal Triggers

Today's episode addresses a listener's question—how to manage betrayal triggers. Most of us are aware of triggers for those struggling with addictive or compulsive sexual behavior. But are there such a thing as betrayal triggers? The answer is an emphatic YES! Ashley Jameson joins us to discuss what betrayal triggers are, how to identify them, how to bring healing to them, and what couples can do to help each other navigate triggers.






365 - Brand New Stats On Porn In The Church

We have a very SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on today's episode! Pure Desire is partnering with one of the most influential research firms in the world to bring forth new statistics on the impact of pornography in the church. We're joined by Heather Kolb and Ashley Jameson (hosts of our newest show, Unfiltered) to discuss the origins of this research project, our hopes for this new data, some of the initial findings of the research, and how to get this information in your hands (including a launch event you won't want to miss)!


Full Episode Video (Y...

364 - Repairing Relational Injury w/ Dr. Jake Porter

Significant relational injury occurs at the moment of discovery. One spouse finally feels free because the truth of their addiction or infidelity is out in the open. The other partner feels buried with trauma and has to reinterpret every aspect of their relationship history. On today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Jake Porter (licensed therapist and founder, president, and CEO of Daring Ventures). Dr. Jake helps us talk through the relational injury caused by sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. We discuss what both spouses need after relational injury and how to fully heal from it.


363 - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly Of Purity Culture w/ Katherine Gallagher

Many of us who grew up in the church experienced purity culture—a significant emphasis on sexual purity, especially with young people. While purity culture had good motivations, it has caused its fair share of damage—shame, guilt, and trauma. On today’s episode, we are joined by Katherine Gallagher, the Executive Director of GoStrategic, an author and speaker on the topic of sexual purity. Katherine discusses the good, the bad, and the ugly of purity culture.


Full Episode Video (YouTube)

GoStrategic (Katherine's organization)

Seven Pillars of Freedom (Men's Recovery Resour...

362 - Staying Healthy For The Summer

Summer months bring so much fun and excitement. But for those who are on the recovery journey, summer brings its own set of challenges. Warm weather means less clothing. This means more opportunities for temptations and triggers. On today’s episode, we talk about why summer can be so challenging, what we can do to be prepared for this season, and what it looks like to stay healthy!


Full Episode Video (YouTube)


Free eBook: 7 Keys To Understanding Betrayal Trauma

Free eBook: 5 Steps to Freedom From Po...

361 - The Cyclone Of Addiction

Addiction can be challenging to wrap our head around. What is addiction? How did this happen? Why me? Robert Vander Meer is on the podcast today to discuss the image and behavior of a cyclone and how this metaphor is helpful in understanding how and why addiction shows up in our life. 


Full Episode Video (YouTube)

Bob Newhart “Stop It” Video

Cyclone of Addiction (from Pillar Six, Lesson One of Seven Pillars of Freedom)

Pure Desire Groups

Pure Desire Counseling



360 - Edging In Recovery

Matt Dobschuetz, host of Porn Free Radio and founder of Recovered Man, is back on the show today! 

Today, we talk about edging—non-relapse behaviors that follow our addictive patterns. We talk about what qualifies as edging, how to become more aware of any edging behaviors, the importance of check-ins with our community or group, and how to address these behaviors when we see them.


Full Episode Video (YouTube)

Pure Desire Groups

Three Circles


Porn Free Radio

Recovered Man


359 - Helping Next Gen Navigate Healthy Relationships w/ Barb Winters

Helping the next generation is not only about teaching what NOT TO DO. It also includes teaching them what TO DO. 

On today’s episode, we’re joined by Barb Winters, founder of HopefulMom.net and author of Sexpectations. 

Barb talks us through her experience in helping her children break free of pornography addiction and equipping them with the tools they need for healthy relationships. Barb speaks from her personal experience: as a parent not knowing where to start and now an expert in the area of equipping parents to help their kids.