Diet Science

10 Episodes

By: Dee and Michael McCaffrey

Diet Science is a fun 7 to 8 minute weekly program with insights and straight scoops on today's health and diet issues from Dee McCaffrey, CDC. Dee is an Organic Chemist who lost 100 pounds, nearly half her body weight, and has kept it off for 20 years by staying away from processed foods. She's the author of The Science of Skinny, released by Perseus June 2012, and The Science of Skinny Cookbook, which was released December 2014.

High on HDL: Elevating Good Cholesterol Naturally
Last Monday at 6:44 PM

HDL is an acronym for "high-density lipoproteins"--compounds made in the body that are considered the "good guys" in the cholesterol game. They help to keep the "bad cholesterol" from building up and forming plaque in the arteries. Having high levels of HDL reduces the risk for both heart disease and stroke. Listen in this week as Dee elevates your understanding of cholesterol and explores natural strategies to boost your HDL levels.


Stadler, J. T., & Marsche, G. (2021). Dietary strategies to improve cardiovascular health: Focus on increasing high-density lipoprotein functionality. Frontiers in N...

Citrus Bergamot: a Cardiovascular Super Hero

Bergamot, a citrus fruit hailing from the groves of southern Italy’s Calabria region, has been shown in clinical trials to lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase good cholesterol. Listen in in this week as Dee discusses the results of clinical studies using bergamot and the virtues of this super fruit.


Lamiquiz-Moneo, I., Giné-González, J., Alisente, S., Bea, A. M., Pérez-Calahorra, S., Marco-Benedí, V., … Mateo-Gallego, R. (2020). Effect of bergamot on lipid profile in humans: A systematic review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60(18), 3133–3143.

Link to purchase...

Study Shows Soybean Oil Consumption Linked to Diabetes and Negative Impact on Brain Health

In 2015 a research team at UC Riverside found that soybean oil consumption induces obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, and fatty liver in mice. Now, a new study by the same team shows that oil could also affect genes in the brain related to conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the details of this study and how the changes in microbiome caused by soybean oil consumption are linked to negative iimpact on brain function.


Martinez-Lomeli, J., Deol, P., Deans, J. R., Jiang, T., Ruegger, P., Borneman, J., & S...

A Cup of Navy Beans a Day Keeps the Colorectal Cancer Away

A recent study conducted at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center showed that patients with a history of colorectal cancer who added a cup of navy beans daily to their regular meals saw positive changes in their gut microbiome after just 4 weeks. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the details of this study and how the changes in microbiome aid in colorectal cancer prevention and treatment.


Zhang, X., Irajizad, E., Hoffman, K. L., Fahrmann, J. F., Li, F., Seo, Y. D., Browman, G. J., Dennison, J. B., Vykoukal, J., Luna, P. N...

How Autophagy Keeps You Healthy

Autophagy is a natural biochemical self-preservation process whereby the body cleans out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. There are certain diet and lifestyle factors that aid or inhibit autophagy, leading either to improved health or accelerated degeneration.  Listen in this week as Dee discusses the mechanisms of autophagy and the best ways to ensure its optimal benefits.


Aman, Y., Schmauck-Medina, T., Hansen, M., Morimoto, R. I., Simon, A. K., Bjedov, I., Palikaras, K., Simonsen, A., Johansen, T., Tavernarakis, N., Rubinsztein, D. C., Partridge, L., Kroemer, G., Labbadia, J., & Fang, E. F. (20...

What is Buckwheat Honey?

Buckwheat honey is a type of honey produced by bees that collect nectar solely from the flowers of the buckwheat plant. This gives the honey a unique flavor and much higher antioxidant levels than clover or other types of honey. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the many unique health benefits of buckwheat honey!

Link to purchase buckwheat honey:

New Study Links Artificially Sweetened Sodas with a 20% Increase in Atrial Fibrillation Risk.

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), or an irregular heartbeat, is a condition that can lead to stroke, heart failure, and blood clots. A new study has found that drinking diet sodas puts you at a 20% higher risk for AFib. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the results of the study, and how much diet soda per week poses the highest risk.


Sun, Y., Yu, B., Yu, Y., Wang, B., Tan, X., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, K., & Wang, N. (2024). Sweetened beverages, genetic susceptibility, and incident atrial fibrillation: A Prospective cohort study. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 17(3). h...

EWG's 2024 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 List is Here!

The Environmental Working Group's 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ (aka the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 List) was released on March 20, 2024, and the results are shocking! Listen in this week as Dee talks about the list, what it means for your health, and how to strategize your grocery budget to ensure the least amount of pesticide exposure.

Get the Guide at

Unlocking the Link Between Diet and Chronic Pain: A Call for Healthier Habits

A recent study shines light on the profound impact of diet on chronic pain. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the findings of the study, and the strong undercurrent of desire among chronic pain sufferers to adopt healthier eating practices.


Dong, H. J., Brain, K., Olsson, M., Dragioti, E., Gerdle, B., & Ghafouri, B. (2024). Eating habits and the desire to eat healthier among patients with chronic pain: A registry-based study. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 4705.

Video Link: Dee Talks About Nutrition Changes for Gout:

FDA Announces Qualified Health Claim for Yogurt and Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Following a decision by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), yogurt manufacturers in the United States will now be allowed to state on their labels that yogurt may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.  Listen in this week as Dee discusses which type of yogurt qualifies, and why eating yogurt may help with blood sugar control.


U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2024, March 1) FDA announces health claim for yogurt and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.