Short Machshava On The Daf by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman

10 Episodes

By: Yechezkel Hartman

A short Machshava on the Daf Yomi. Each Daf in Shas has Machshava depth to it, in some it's easy to find - the Agadata of the Shas, but in some it takes some research. Short Machshava shiur aims to discover, discuss in short, and attempt to give somewhat of an understanding of parts of the Machshava of each Daf. Given by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman, a Talmid of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro zt"l.

Sanhedrin 51: Halacha for the Time of Mashiach
Last Friday at 8:56 AM

Learning Torah which is not practical for now.

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Sanhedrin 50: Shabbos is Holier by a Kohen
Last Friday at 8:55 AM

The Chidush of Rav Yosef Engel, and the added points of Rav Reuven Margoliyos.

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Sanhedrin 49: Two Leaders, One Learning Torah, One Going to War
Last Thursday at 7:28 PM

Usually one can't do both.

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Sanhedrin 48: A False Curse Returns
Last Thursday at 7:27 PM

The deep explanation of the Maharal.

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Sanhedrin 47: Burying a Rasha by a Tzadik
Last Wednesday at 6:27 AM

The reason it is not allowed, and when it is.

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Sanhedrin 46: Hashem Feels the Pain of Every Jew
Last Wednesday at 6:26 AM

The proper way to Daven.

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Sanhedrin 45: Ve'Ahavta L'Re'acha Kamocha at The Time of Death
Last Wednesday at 6:23 AM

The discussion if and when it applies when one is alive.

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Sanhedrin 44: Ruach Paskonis

The discussion which Malach is that.

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Sanhedrin 43: Arvus Starts When Entering Eretz Yisroel

The Maharal's reasoning.

Sanhedrin 42: Kiddush Levanah

Why is it Kabalas Ha'Shechinah.