balanced FLUX

10 Episodes

By: Tany McLeod

Welcome to the balanced FLUX Podcast, where your journey towards self-discovery, growth, and achieving a harmonious balance in life begins. I am Tany McLeod, the founder, producer, and host of this podcast, and I invite you to join me every Sunday at 1 pm UTC for an enlightening experience that aims to guide you through the complexities of mental health and personal productivity, paving the way for a balanced life. What You Will Discover: • Mental Health Insights: Understand the intricacies of the human mind, focusing on stress management, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence. Learn how to cultivate a healthy mindset for enhanced ps...

Battling Boredom
Last Sunday at 1:00 PM

Bored? Good! Finding Fulfillment in the Mundane & How Boredom Can Transform Your Life.

In this episode of "balanced FLUX," you'll uncover the hidden potential of boredom. We'll challenge the notion that boredom is simply a lack of things to do, revealing its true nature as a complex emotional state that can be harnessed for good. You'll learn how boredom can be a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and even self-discovery.

Get ready to redefine your relationship with downtime. We'll delve into the different types of boredom, from the fleeting situational kind to the deeper existential ennui...

Productivity Guilt

From Guilt to Growth: Redefining Your Relationship with Work

Get ready for a transformative episode of "balanced FLUX" that delves into the heart of productivity guilt. You'll explore the insidious ways this guilt can sabotage your well-being, relationships, and even your success. Discover the hidden costs of the relentless pursuit of productivity and learn how to reclaim your right to rest and joy.

In this episode, you'll uncover the root causes of productivity guilt, challenge societal expectations, and reframe your relationship with work. You'll learn to set realistic boundaries, embrace self-compassion, and prioritize what truly...

Ruminative Brooding

The Mental Maze: Why Your Mind Can Be Your Worst Enemy

Have you ever felt like your mind is your own worst enemy, constantly replaying past mistakes or worrying about future anxieties? That's ruminative brooding, and it's more common than you think. In this episode of "balanced FLUX," we'll dive deep into the intricacies of this mental phenomenon, exploring its various forms, from fleeting states triggered by specific events to chronic patterns that can become thematic obsessions.

We'll also shatter common misconceptions about rumination, such as the belief that it's a form of productive introspection...

Stages of Metacognition

The Dance between Consciousness and Competence

Get ready to swap your thinking cap for dancing shoes! In this episode, we're ditching the usual self-help jargon and diving headfirst into the world of metacognition. You'll discover how your mind isn't just a random jumble of thoughts, but a grand ballroom ready for you to take the lead.

We're breaking down the four stages of metacognition, from those embarrassing "two left feet" moments of being clueless, to the exhilarating feeling of dancing on autopilot, and even the zen-like state of fully understanding your own mental choreography.


The Open Area

Conscious Competence – Mastering Your Craft

In this episode of balanced FLUX, you'll embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of true mastery. You'll learn that conscious competence is not just about being good at something, but about understanding the underlying principles and applying your knowledge effortlessly in various situations.

You'll discover the path to mastery, which involves dedication, learning from mistakes, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. You'll also learn how to overcome challenges and setbacks, using them as fuel for growth and self-improvement.

By the end of this episode, you'll have a...

The Hidden Area

Unconscious Competence – The Power of Intuition

In this episode of balanced FLUX, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of unconscious competence – that magical zone where your skills and knowledge flow seamlessly without effort. Imagine effortlessly mastering new skills, trusting your gut instincts with unwavering confidence, and even achieving goals without consciously knowing how. That's the power of unconscious competence!

We'll uncover the secrets of intuitive decision-making, explore the concept of "flow state," and discover how to tap into your hidden talents. You'll learn how to recognize when you're already a pro at something without real...

The Blind Area

Conscious Incompetence – Embracing the Learning Curve

In this episode of balanced FLUX, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of conscious incompetence—that glorious stage where you know what you don't know. It's awkward, it's humbling, and it's absolutely essential for growth.

You'll uncover why this "fish out of water" feeling isn't a sign of failure but a stepping stone to brilliance. We'll explore how embracing your inner beginner opens doors to new possibilities, skills, and even a healthier mindset.

Get ready to ditch perfectionism, celebrate the learning curve, and discover the transformative powe...

The Unknown Area

Unconscious Incompetence: The Bittersweet Ignorance

Get ready to explore the dark corners of your mind where unconscious incompetence lurks. It's a place where you might be blissfully unaware of your limitations, hindering your growth in ways you can't even imagine.

In this episode of balanced FLUX, I'll be pulling back the curtain on this phenomenon. You'll uncover the signs of unconscious incompetence in relationships, careers, and even your personal finances.

Don't let ignorance hold you back any longer. Join me as I navigate the path from cluelessness to consciousness, giving you the tools...

Your RACE, Your PACE

The Antidote to Hustle Culture Burnout & Why Focusing on Your Lane Matters!

In this episode of "balanced FLUX," we're challenging the notion that life is a race against others. Instead, we'll explore the concept of "Your RACE, Your PACE," a philosophy designed to help you define success on your own terms.

Discover how your Resolutions, Aspirations, Commitments, and Endeavors (RACE) create your unique path, while Perseverance, Attentiveness, Consistency, and Endurance (PACE) provide the fuel to keep you moving forward.

Get ready to redefine what it means to "win" in the marathon of life...


The Stubborn Power Within: Harnessing Your Inner Endurance

In this episode of balanced FLUX, we'll explore the concept of endurance—and trust me, it's about way more than just physical stamina. We'll uncover the secrets of building resilience, not just for those one-off hurdles but for the long, winding marathon of life.

Whether you're a student burning the midnight oil, a parent juggling a thousand things at once, or simply facing a period of personal struggle, endurance is your secret weapon. You'll learn why it matters, how to avoid burnout, and how to build that un...