Audio Tidbits

10 Episodes

By: Gary Crow

The Audio Tidbits Podcast is for ideas, amusement, and entertainment. Episodes are fairly short, so it's a quick chance to learn, laugh, or perhaps find something down right interesting.

It Wouldn’t Be a Picnic Without the Ants

There are many ways to think about change: good news/bad news and such. Take your pick. It really doesn’t matter since your only actual choice is to deal with it or just let it deal with you. Sure, I included a cool ear worm to distract you from what is, in the end, an easy choice.

Lead or Follow, It’s me, but Not Sure Why

Can you follow as easily as you lead? Do you switch depending on the situation or just be your best you? Do you always know what and why or is it sometimes a mystery even to you? This set of tips may be just what you need to answer the questions. If not, the ear worms will make up for your disappointment.

Your Choice, My Time and Knowing My Role

I make my choices and don’t expect you to make the same choices. I manage my time and include you in my time priorities. Sometimes I am in charge and sometimes you are. Sticking to this is neither simple nor easy. Three interesting ear worms may help.

Leadership, Self-awareness and Personal Success (by OpenAI)

Self-awareness, Leadership, and Personal Success: A Challenge for Each of Us
by OpenAI with editorial assistance from Gary

Self-awareness, leadership, and personal success are three interrelated concepts that are critical for anyone looking to achieve their full potential in
both their professional and personal lives. In this article, we will explore these concepts in depth, and provide some insights into how they can be integrated
to help you achieve greater success and fulfillment.

Self-awareness is the foundation of personal and professional growth. It is the process of understanding your own thoughts, emotions...

Charm, Civilization and Complaining

The charm tip I get even though I think I may not be all that charming. The second tip I’m pretty sure I do not get at all. If that’s not frustrating enough, the tune that goes with it, I get even less. Maybe it will work for you. The good news is that tip three does ring true for me — nothing to complain about.

Problems, People and Personal Space

So you want to make some changes around here, make things better. Of course, there are a few problems that need solved. But even more to the point, there are people who may or may not cooperate. And often overlooked is how you manage your personal space. Check out this episode and judge for yourself.

What’s In Your Wheelhouse?

We know that it usually works out best when we stay in our own wheelhouse but knowing what is and is not in there is often a quandary. Here are three tips to help us figure out what is and isn’t for us. Sticking with what we already know is easy. The real challenge is with the new, the unfamiliar, those actions and opportunities that we have not dealt with before. That’s where the possibility for success and failure loom.

Know What’s Right – Only Sell What’s Right

Here we have three tips that may not seem to go together, but with a little more thought, they do. It starts with only selling what’s right and not settling for just what’s awesome. If you get that, the other tips fall into place quite nicely. The little ear worms will give you time to fully consider the connections.

Do Right Before Doing Things Right

Too often we focus on being sure we are doing things right before making sure we are doing the right things. Too often we focus on solving a problem before figuring out why there is a problem to solve. Sure, we also occasionally get the cart before the horse. I’ll bet you get the idea. Here are three tips to help us avoid these amateur pitfalls. Of course, there are also three very cool ear worms to give time to ponder the tips.

Peace and Joy

Be well, do well and peace and joy for you.