Feeding Humans

10 Episodes

By: Katherine Zavodni

When we trust in our body's beautiful wisdom, we can see our struggles with food, family feeding, and body image in a new light. The Feeding Humans podcast dives deep into what it means to be human—our complexities and flaws, our elegant physiology, our absolute uniqueness, our rich lived experiences. All these shape the way we relate to food. And because our little ones are human too, our family feeding challenges suddenly make a lot more sense. This podcast will help you find peace with yourself, parent with confidence, and raise confident kids who trust their bodies. These conversations ar...

Dietary Fat Facts

In this series, we will be looking at the biochemical structure and function of the macronutrients, carbohydrate, protein, and fat, to understand the structure and function of these energy yielding nutrients. Optimal utilization of these nutrients depends on both overall adequacy of intake and generally consistent balance among these energy yielding nutrients.

Mentioned in this episode:

Exploring Intuitive Eating, Part I: Body Trust, Interoceptive Awareness, and Unconditional Permission to Eat

Exploring Intuitive Eating, Part II: Physical Activity and Intuitive Movement


Demystifying Protein

In this series, we will be looking at the biochemical structure and function of the macronutrients, carbohydrate, protein, and fat, to understand the structure and function of these energy yielding nutrients. Optimal utilization of these nutrients depends on both overall adequacy of intake and generally consistent balance among these energy yielding nutrients.

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*Now taking Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, contact me with questions or
request an appointment.

Carboyhydrates are our Friends

In this series, we will be looking at the biochemical structure and function of the macronutrients, carbohydrate, protein, and fat, to understand the structure and function of these energy yielding nutrients. Optimal utilization of these nutrients depends on both overall adequacy of intake and generally consistent balance among these energy yielding nutrients.

Mentioned in this episode:

Episode 25: The Hierarchy of Nutritional Needs

Episode 3: How to handle sweets with your kids

Find Katherine online: 


The Hierarchy of Nutritional Needs

With all the chatter, handwringing, and noise about all the different nutritional concerns and questions we should have, it's tough to know how to get your needs met. In today's episode, Katherine lays out a specific framework for prioritizing your most important, most basic nutritional needs, so that we see the big picture and don't get lost in the details that matter less. Prioritizing the most important nutritional need of adequacy can encourage more ease and flexibility in eating, and allows us to relax our grip on trying to control and perfectly optimize our eating.


Your Body Naturally Craves Balance and Variety

When we consider relaxing our tight grip of control of our eating, letting go of food rules and incorporating an “all foods fit” mentality, many of us worry that we will be out of control around those most favorite foods, the ones you always thought you needed to keep out of the house and not allow yourself to eat them at all, because you lose control. Today’s episode talks about why this is a myth, using examples of how we experience the rhythm of our lives and changing seasons. After the holidays, we enjoy the peace and calm o...

When Things Fall Apart

Hey folks, I’m back from an unplanned hiatus. Today, I share all about giving ourselves grace when life becomes chaotic or difficult. I share my personal experience about letting go of mealtime expectations during a stressful season of life. It’s okay to be flexible and make adjustments. This teaches us (and our children) to trust ourselves during times when things fall apart, and to give ourselves permission to prioritize only the essentials and let the rest go, requiring us to get very clear on what matters most and what matters less.

A Pandemic Health Crisis

Mentioned in this episode:


Maintenance Phase: The Body Mass Index

Maintenance Phase: The Obesity Epidemic

Citations for pandemic era eating disorders increase:

Medical Admissions Among Adolescents with Eating Disorders During the COVID 19 Pandemic:

Outbreak of anorexia nervosa admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Number of Adolescents/Young Adults Seeking Eating Disorder-Related Care

Back to School Feeding Challenges with Terri Ney, RD

It's back to school season, and whatever relief we felt to reclaim the routine and structure of school days has probably given way to remember that school weeks are stressful too, particularly when it comes to feeding, school lunches, tired kids, and stressed parents! In today's episode, Canadian dietitian Terri Ney, RD (sounds like "high," not "hay") shares some encouragement and practical tips for parents around school lunches and other common school day feeding challenges. She has lots of specific suggestions for making school days and school lunches easier. We talk about the age old debate around packed lunch...

Extreme Picky Eating with Katja Rowell, MD

Does picky eating show up in your family? How do you know when it's a problem? Today we hear from child feeding expert Katja Rowell, MD, family doctor turned feeding therapy specialist who has worked with hundreds of families struggling with the extremes of the picky eating continuum. We talk about how to recognize extreme picky eating and what might be more typical picky eating, and what to do if you believe your family needs more support.

Disclaimer and Content Warning:
Today's topic includes discussions of more severe feeding challenges and disorders. There will be a...

Intuition vs. Fear

Intuition can feel elusive (or even scary) if you have spent a lifetime believing you can’t trust yourself and need to outsource your wisdom.  Today’s conversation is about how to identify your inner wisdom when your fear is used to being in the driver’s seat.

Mentioned in this episode:

Free Workshop: Sneaking and Snacking
Why your kids' chaotic eating persists despite your best efforts and what to do about it

Episode 19: Neurodiversity and Feeding Differences with Naureen Hunani, RD

Episode 2: Family Feeding Dynamics: Making the Division of Respons...