Self Control

10 Episodes

By: Patrick Strevens

The podcast that will inspire YOU to take control of your mind, and go forward, to build the life you want to live.

How to Find Your Purpose: Plenty of Questions to Ask Yourself AND a 3-Step Solution if Your Life Feels Meaningless

You can and you will find your purpose!

Thanks for stopping by. On today's episode we will discuss a major, major issue that many of us face.

How do you find your purpose in life?

Of course, no podcast (no matter how great 😉) can tell you your purpose. In fact, despite all the challenges and struggles in my life, I have never struggled with my purpose.

So what can I really tell you?

If you are feeling boredom and dissatisfaction, if you are asking "what is the point of my...

Are You Looking for a FOOLPROOF Way to Quit Your Bad Habits & Develop Yourself? Try These 3 Steps to Improve Your Self-Discipline!

No one can tell you how to live your life!

This is a big reason why we fail to quit our bad habits using SOMEONE ELSE'S advice.

But of course, you'd still like help with a plan of action, right?

Wouldn't it be great if someone could give us a personalized method for curing our anxiety or stopping unhealthy habits like smoking, pornography use or procrastination?

This is exactly what this podcast can do for you.

I cannot judge you and I can't instruct you on how to live...

How to Feel Good About Yourself This Month: Feeling Down? In a Rut? This is the Reminder I Needed!

Thanks for checking out the Self-Control podcast!

Are you feeling down these days or feeling like you're in a rut?

Do you find yourself thinking about the bad things in life?

The most empowering part of this podcast is that I will share with you behaviours and tips that you can begin today to feel better sooner than later.

So when it comes to "not feeling 100%" or if you're looking to change your life for the better, let me drop some wisdom on ya.

In this episode, I will...

Frustration and Self-Doubt Are a Result of THIS Habit: Practice Mindfulness and Watch Your Mood & Focus Improve!

On today's Mindfulness Minute, we'll continue talking about natural remedies for anxiety, as well as understanding self-doubt and frustration.

Ultimately, these are a problem of being distracted.

But distraction doesn't happen here or there, it happens ALL OVER our life. It is a way of life.

You want improved productivity? You want to feel happy? Proud?


Easier said than done, but practice makes perfect. Let's talk about it. In less than 10 minutes, I will leave you with something you can start this week to level up your mindfulness...

What Do You Actually Need to Do for Better Self-Discipline?

If self-discipline happens in our mind, what are the actual, physical tasks we can do to strengthen it?

One of these behaviours is EXPRESSION.

But how do you express? What are you supposed to say?

How does it help?

All of this will be answered in less than 10 minutes. In this episode, I will explain how expression frees us from a life of "not thinking for our self" and tell you exactly what I had to express (and how to do it) in order to quit numerous bad habits.


How Can You Focus Better? 3 Steps That Took Me Forever to Learn, but Just 15 Minutes to Share With You!

I want to let you know that YES, there are natural ways to increase focus and concentration.

The fact that you are reading this means you have already started. So let's keep going!

If you are aware that you struggle to stay focussed...

Or if anxiety is getting worse because you can't achieve your goals...

Now is the time to bring mindfulness into your life. These improvements won't come over night, but it's time to start the process of repetition.

Through watching our self and our thoughts over and...

This is the BREAKTHROUGH That Finally Helped Me Quit My BAD HABITS: Master This and You Will Too!

For years, I was in the grip of both a pornography and marijuana addiction. Many, many days of my youth wasted.

Toxic habits like these lower our energy, put us in a bad mood, ruin our self-confidence, and WORST OF ALL, they blind us to who we truly are! They rob us of our potential.

Looking back on how I quit these 10 and 15-year-long addictions, I have developed a clear process that I want to share with you. You can apply this process to nearly any toxic habit or vice.

And you have...

Need Help Focussing? Use This Natural Remedy for Anxiety and Watch Your Productivity Improve

There are too many ways to be distracted these days.

So why add to that by distracting yourself?

If you find that you're not getting enough done, not staying on task, and struggling to concentrate, you may be asking yourself "how can I focus better?"

Then the anxiety starts to creep in...

Not getting enough done, falling behind, doubting yourself.

This has been a major problem for me, but through mindfulness I have begun to find ways to both manage my anxiety and improve my focus and attention.


Are You Ready to STOP Those Same Old Bad Habits but Need Help With a Plan of Action? These 3 Steps Saved My Life!

I have spent years trying to understand why I fell into toxic habits like pornography, marijuana, and overeating.

I tried and failed to quit those habits more times than I can count.

Today, I consider myself free and clear of both porn and weed. Now I am working on healthy eating. (I've lost 30lbs, but the battle continues!)

It wasn't until I regularly did these 3 things that I began to understand why I self-sabotaged with harmful behaviours. Then and only then, was I able to quit.

In this episode, I will...

You Have Literal SUPER POWERS! But Are You Using Them For Good or Evil? Here is the Formula for REAL SELF CONTROL!

We humans are gifted with many great powers.

In this episode I will remind you of two of them: the ability to see the past, present and future, and the ability to talk to our self.

But as the late Uncle Ben said, "with great power comes great responsibility."

Are you worried about your future? Guilty about your past?

Do you talk to yourself like an enemy or a friend?

Do you see and express the life you want? The life you could build?

Or do you...