Living An Ultra Life

10 Episodes

By: Mike Horner

Living An Ultra Life: How running can help you overcome obstacles. Ten years ago, chaos erupted in multiple areas of my life, creating a “perfect storm” strong enough to kill most of my hopes and dreams. Running helped me begin to dream again.

Allen Williford: Paddling for Pennies and Making a Difference!
Last Tuesday at 12:00 PM

Click here to reach Paddling for Pennies with The Long Paddle and The Eddie Line Paddle.

Rock Star Runner and Alopecia Champion: Lindsay Walter

Don't miss this heroic story of overcoming!

Teamwork Made the Dream Work: Adam Morel at Leadville 100

Join Adam and his team as they share the highs and lows of their 100-mile victory at Leadville, CO 100-mile race!

Overcome Anxiety Attacks to Keep Running Ultras: Tommy Dobson

Overcome Anxiety Attacks to Keep Running Ultras: Tommy Dobson!

Ultra Runner, Ultra Crew: Joe Eckert

Please pardon the poor audio. Editor was unable to correct.

Hear Joe describe his experiences crewing through Six Days at the Dome.

Canadian Excellence: Eric Mathison

Eric describes his Six Days journey! He met some challenges to overcome and is moving on!

Meenal Kotak: Top Ultra-Runner from India!

Imagine training on the streets of Dehli, India! (Think, "The Incredible Race!")

Imagine running hours through congested streets, the air thick with pollution and the temperature over 100 degrees fahrenheit! This is what the ultra-runners in India face to achieve their goals!

Listen as Meenal Kotak describes her adventure!

Barney Reisbeck: 70 and still getting after it!

Listen as Barney describes his ultra running adventures.

Warrior Princess: Fiona Hayvice Shares Her Ultra Story

Here are Fiona's Sponsors Instagram handles:

Sponsors - Instagram handles;

@tailwindnutritionnz / @tailwindnutrition










Andrew Bloom: No! You're Not Going Home. Get Back Out There and Finish!

Andrew Bloom: No! You're Not Going Home. Get Back Out There and Finish!