It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark

10 Episodes

By: Laurelee Roark

It's Not About Food podcast is about learning how to love and accept the body you have, re-learn how to eat intuitively and to know how to take care of your emotions.

Visualization: Spiritual Beliefs
Last Friday at 8:00 AM

Episode 181: Purpose With Special Guest Erin Byous

This show is about finding and following our purpose. We are all here to share our gifts and our experiences as we walk our many paths of discovery. We find our calling by listening to our inner voice and doing what feels right and true to ourselves.

Erin Byous, MFT has been working with individuals and families since 2010. She’s worked in private practice and for a large healthcare organization as a therapist and also a mental health educator. Erin currently works at Willa Wellness Center in Petaluma where she facilitates groups and teaches cl...

Visualization: Spiritual Being

Spiritual Being Visualization by Carol Normandi from our book, “It’s Not About Food”.

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Episode 180: True Recovery with Special Guest Carol Normandi

Laurelee and Carol talk about what is true recovery and how to get there. 

Carol has been working with eating disorder recovery since 1988 when she co-founded Beyond Hunger with Laurelee Roark, a non-profit that provides support groups and eating disorder prevention education. In 1998 they published their first book It's Not About Food, based on their own recovery and their work with eating disorder clients. They later published Over It: A Teens Guide to Ending the Obsession with Food and Weight, and Body Love Cards. For more information about Carol or Amrita Treatment Center please contact her below.

Episode 179: Trust with Special Guest Jenny Sederholm

Trust is knowing that our bodies are living intelligences, giving us immediate feedback about what does and doesn’t work for us. When we stop viewing our bodies as something we need to manipulate, we can begin seeing them as very wise teachers. When we start to trust our bodies, we can listen and understand what they need. 

Jenny Sederholm, LCSW 

While I have been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for 14 years, life quieted and expanded for me eleven years ago when I was intensively trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I co facilitated a DBT Year...

Visualization: Creativity

This week’s offering is about creativity. It’s a recording Carol Normandi and I made. It’s on our CD of several visualizations found in our book, It’s Not About Food. We talk about using Creativity as a way to recover from disorder eating and body disturbances. I hope you have as much fun listening to it as we did making it. 

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Episode 178: Miracles with Special Guest Melanie Larson

Today’s podcast is about the many miracles of recovery and remembering we are at choice to either accept the miracles or to step around them. Recovery is about opening our hearts to life, to health and to love for ourselves. 
Melanie Larson MA, RDN
Nutrition Director
Willa Wellness Center 
Email: ( 
Website: (
Pronouns: she/her/hers

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Episode 177: Boundaries with Special Guest Kari Folberg

This show is about learning how to set boundaries and being at choice about our own needs. By setting limits or saying no we protect our integrity based on our own truth. 

Kari Floberg is a Marriage and Family Therapist in Northern California. She holds degrees from New York University and the California Institute of Integral Studies.  In her private practice, she works with individuals and groups, offering paths to come home to their true selves and find freedom from food and weight obsession. Bringing 12 years of clinical experience in a variety of settings, plus her lived ex...

Visualization: Healing The Spiritual Wound Within Us

Carol Normandi and I recorded this visualization about healing the spiritual wound within us. It is found on Pg 128 of our book, It’s Not About Food, 2010, Penquin Putnam, NY, NY.

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Visualization: Healing the piritual wound within us

Carol Normandi and I recorded this visualization about healing the spiritual wound within us. It is found on Pg 128 of our book, It’s Not About Food, 2010, Penquin Putnam, NY, NY.

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