No Broke Months For Real Estate Agents

10 Episodes

By: Dan Rochon

No Broke Months For Real Estate Agents is a podcast that helps real estate agents stop struggling and start thriving. You'll learn how to make more money, build better relationships with clients, and create a thriving community of support for your real estate business. It's time for NO BROKE MONTHS!

How You Can Transform Your Reality
Yesterday at 11:15 AM

How You Can Transform Your Reality  


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents delves into the power of the reticular activating system (RAS) and how it can be harnessed to manifest your desires and reshape your life.  


Dan explains that Programming our minds with specific goals, beliefs, and desires can reprogram RAS to filter information in alignment with our aspirations, resulting in manifesting our dreams.


Unlock the secrets to transforming your reality in the new No Broke Months Podcast episode.

The Mindset of Goal Setting
Last Thursday at 11:15 AM

Angie Gerber loves helping Women Real Estate agents and Women entrepreneurs win through impactful coaching. Angie's mission is to transform women's lives by sharing, coaching, and mentoring the same information that transformed my life and continues to impact her positively every day.  


Angie believes that nothing changes if nothing changes, and you need to gain awareness and a different perspective to start the shift toward the life you truly desire.


Join us this episode as Angie discusses the mindset of Goal Settings.


To find out...

The Secret to Transform Renters into Buyers!
Last Wednesday at 11:15 AM

The Secret to Transform Renters into Buyers!  


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents dives into the transformative strategies that can help renters leap into homeownership.  


Dan provides listeners with a detailed script to guide renters through decision-making.  


Join our new No Broke Months Podcast episode to equip yourself with the tools and knowledge needed to transform renters into confident homebuyers.


To find out more about Dan Rochon and the CPI Community, you can check this l...

What Could Impact Your Results?
Last Tuesday at 11:15 AM

What Could Impact Your Results?  


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents delves into the critical factors that could hinder your progress toward achieving your goals.


Dan breaks down the three main reasons why your aspirations might not materialize as expected and says that doing one of these three would most likely create the results you desire.  


In the new No Broke Months Podcast episode, Tune in to learn how to refine your approach for better results.



How One Word Can Change Your Result
Last Monday at 11:15 AM

How One Word Can Change Your Result  


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents discusses how a single word can significantly impact your sales efforts.


Dan Discusses that words have immense power, and the slightest tweak in your language can influence your audience's perception and decision-making.  


Join our new No Broke Months Podcast episode to learn how to select words that resonate with your audience, enhance your message, and drive more sales.


To find out more...

How to Manifest Your Success
Last Sunday at 11:15 AM

How to Manifest Your Success  


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months Podcast explores the principles and practices that can help you harness the power of manifestation to achieve your goals.  


Dan encourages his students to share their personal goals and provides support for manifesting their achievements.  


In the new No Broke Months episode, Tune in to uncover the science and magic behind manifesting success.


To find out more about Dan Rochon and the CPI Community, you can check this l...

Craft the Life of Your Dreams!

Craft the Life of Your Dreams!  


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months Podcast delves into practical steps to transform your life.


If you're feeling stuck in your current routine or looking for inspiration to take your life to the next level, this episode is just for you.  


In the new No Broke Months episode, Tune in to hear more about these steps and start crafting the life you've always dreamed of.


To find out more about Dan Rochon and t...

Take Off These Activities to Focus on 5 Important Things

Take Off These Activities to Focus on 5 Important Things  


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents dives deep into strategies for optimizing your productivity and focusing on what truly matters.  


Dan Discusses how to determine the five most important aspects of your life or business and Encourages listeners to consider hiring virtual assistants to streamline their focus and maximize productivity.


Join us in this new No Broke Months Podcast episode as we explore more strategies for optimizing productivity and achieving your goals. 


How you can Overcome Fear and start Taking Action - Damon Hart

Damon Hart, aka Mr. Foxy, is an absolute estate-investing rockstar. He was born on the gorgeous island of St. Thomas in the Caribbean, where his parents worked for the USPS and taught him the value of hard work and perseverance. But Damon isn't just a real estate pro.  


He also loves helping kids. He gives both his time and money to organizations that support children. When he's not crushing it in the real estate game, Damon Hart (aka Mr. Foxy) is a hardworking, savvy investor who proves that you can accomplish amazing things with persistence an...

The Skill You Can’t Ignore When Launching Your Business

The Skill You Can't Ignore When Launching Your Business


Business Coach Dan Rochon from No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents discusses entrepreneurship and personal development in depth.


Dan discusses that as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, remember that self-belief is not just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. Cultivate, nurture, and let it guide you through the ups and downs of building your business.


Tune in to the latest No Broke Months Podcast episode for more insights and inspiration on entrepreneurship success.
