Create with Franz

10 Episodes

By: Franz Sidney

A podcast dedicated to sharing actionable steps we can take to improve our well being and mental health, so we can create the life we want!

From Paralysed by Fear to Thriving: Break Free From OCD & Anxiety
Last Monday at 5:03 AM

Feeling paralysed by the fear of getting sick? Are daily routines or complex, exhausting rituals a must to avoid anxiety?  Break free and reclaim your life!

Helen Sterne, a specialist in overcoming anxiety and finding its root cause, shares her wisdom on this episode. Inspired by her own recovery from a stroke and major illness, Helen helps others rise above their struggles.

Discover how hypnosis and other techniques can: Uncover the root of your anxiety Shift your mindset towards healing Regulate your nervous system for lasting change

Listen to two powerful stories that showcase the m...

Stuck? Unlock your potential with inner work.

Do you feel stuck? Spinning your wheels but not getting anywhere? Maybe you're taking course after course, but nothing seems to change. Suzy Cross, a business advisor, coach, and hypnotherapist, has a different approach. She believes that the key to unlocking your full potential lies in inner work, specifically identity work. 

It's about understanding who you truly are and addressing any limiting beliefs or emotional blocks that might be holding you back. In this episode of Create, Suzy explains why inner work is so important and shares some practical tips to get you started on your journey t...

Escape the Grind: Reimagine Your Life

Feeling trapped in a job that drains your energy? Witnessing a loved one sacrifice happiness for work can leave a lasting impact. Kip Brooks shares his powerful story of following his workaholic father's path, only to be left with an unfulfilled life and a shattered dream. After his father's passing, Kip faced a defining choice: continue the cycle or forge a new way. 

Fuelled by a burning desire for change, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Through extensive research and a willingness to take action, Kip crafted a nomadic lifestyle that allows him to travel and e...

Get the sleep you deserve by collaborating with your mind

What are the emotional reasons and beliefs that we have and make it really difficult to sleep well? Regina Roberti will give us new angles to consider for those of you who have tried everything and failed. 

I’ve learned many new principles today as Regina busted myths and showed how our own mind is often the culprit for the difficulties we experience. We hope you won’t fall asleep while listening, and if you are still awake feel free to share, like and subscribe to help more people create the life (and sleep) that they deserve.

How to navigate the emotional minefield of IVF, infertility and pregnancy

Having babies has to do with a lot more than labor and birth: our health, microbiome, mental health and mindset are also important.

Esther Lawton, Yoga teacher, RTT therapist, homeopath, NHS nurse, will explain how we take on beliefs from our environment without even realising it: for example if our Mother felt that having children had been too hard, we carry that feeling in our inner mind and it might make it impossible to conceive, because our subconscious is trying to protect us.

We will also find out what happens when we carry fried after...

Unstuck Yourself: From Past Hurts to Present Power

If you are feeling something blocking you from achieving from you want, a sense of never being good enough, not feeling loved, wanted, appreciated and you even block life from giving you good gifts, this episode is for you.

Helen Buchanan, an Advanced Conversational Hypnotist in Australia, will help us to understand the deep reasons why so many of us as adults can’t progress and seemingly get stuck into a series of frustrating and fulfilling relationships, careers, and experiences.

While you listen to the heartfelt experience of Helen’s childhood, feel free to use this...

The answer is not in the fridge: why binge eating is a pathway to uncovering our purpose

Feeling out of control around food? You're not alone. Millions struggle with binge eating, leaving them frustrated and ashamed. But what if there was a hidden message behind your cravings?

This episode explores a revolutionary approach to binge eating. We'll uncover how your uncontrollable hunger might actually be a powerful signal – a guidepost to your deepest purpose. Join me and Mel Lopez as we show you how to break free from the cycle of guilt and unveil the transformative potential hidden within.

Are you ready to stop the struggle and unlock the life you crave? Tu...

How to make a man happy (hint: it's not sermons or guilt trips)

Why so many men today feel depressed, frustrated and suicidal? What are the three elements that make a man happy and satisfied? In this conversation with coach and hypnotist Paul Wilson we will delve into the male brain to see what makes a man tick and what turns him off.

Discover the actions you can take today to enhance your relationships with males both at home and at work.

Learn how to effectively communicate so that you don’t end up pairing up with the wrong man, and then separating when you both realise you ar...

Craving Control: Break Free From Food Addiction

Struggling with uncontrollable cravings and emotional eating? You're not alone. This episode dives deep into the science behind food addiction, exploring the link between physiology, psychology, and those persistent cravings. 

Join Confidence Coach and Emotional Eating Specialist Maria Lipuma as she unveils the surprising reasons why we turn to food for comfort, and more importantly, how to break free from this cycle.  Learn how to manage stress, regulate your emotions, and develop healthier habits to create a lasting change in your relationship with food.  Discover how to reclaim control and finally conquer your cravings – for good!


Beyond the Bottle: Reprogramming Your Response to Anxiety

Does social anxiety and pre-event jitters lead you to reach for a drink? Join us as we explore why this is so common for women, and what you can do to break free.

In this episode, psychologist and hypnotherapist Shana Rosentahl shares her expertise. We'll delve into the science behind rewiring your brain to manage stress and social anxiety naturally. Discover techniques to quiet negative thoughts and build lasting confidence, so you can show up feeling calm and collected – without relying on alcohol.


This episode is perfect for you if you want to:
