A Fool's Quest: DnD Comedy
What would happen if you put every DND cliche into a bag of holding and then beat it with a humor stick? There’s only one way to find out!A Fool’s Quest is a Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing Comedy Podcast, filled with music, sound FX and terrible puns! New episodes every Friday and every episode is under one hour! No marathons! Explicit content included. (we say bad words)“A Fool's Quest is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast...
S8 E29: Looks Who’s Demons Now

The Fools face off against a 15 Adira-size Balrog, prompting Eddie to bring out the big guns. A little bit of wild magic makes a party of bullfrogs before Adira splits off from the group to be a genie. After agreeing to haunt and or murder some children’s uncle, the party brainstorms ways to commit said crimes with the least work possible.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard...
S8 E28: Tomb it May Concern

The Fools arrive at the Crypt of the Spice Lords, where they are quickly greeted by a portal. After Adira comes through, Eddie decides that's enough people. The party soon discovers that the Crypts have changed since Thorkillin left. Eddie almost dies while passing the first obstacle; "almost" being the key word. The Second Breakfast Club soon finds themselves in a burial room. After some light grave robbing, they feel the need to leave in a hurry. Despite their attempts to fly, the Fools come face to face with a large frog.
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S8 E27: I Dream of Eddie

The Fools rescue Thorkillin and the rest of the First People while trying to find a way to escape their contracts with the House of Embers. Eddie successfully renegotiates his contract and becomes the Master of the House of Embers. After conversing with the First People for a while to gain insights, the group searches the house for other guests and finds a familiar feline.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzo...
S8 E26: Frankly, My Dear, We Messed Up

The Fools make contact with a First Person named Thorkillin. They begin planning to free him and the rest of the First People. The gang befriends the house musician and learns all about the House of Embers from him. They also discover that the master is Frank Enstein. Eddie uses a magic book to enroll the Second Breakfast Club as servants in the House of Embers for an indefinite period. With their new status, they meet the master of the house and engage in an ill-advised fight.
S8 E25: Fire On the Lake, Run, Fools, Run. Loki’s In the House of The Embers Son

The Fools shadow walk to the island looking for the House of Embers and find themselves at the beach. Everybody has matching towels. Somebody went under a dock, and there they saw a rock. It wasn't a rock. It was a rock lobster.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard.
Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi Barbarian.
Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance - Human Bard.
Nico Rodr...
S8 E24: Shadow Walk This Way

The Fools spend the night at Alex Furrington, except for Adira, who is otherwise entangled. When they wake up, Eddie shadow walks them to Newcity, where they give the dean a clear and concise report of their activities since leaving the school. They then head to the library to learn how to get to the house at the Lake of Fire. After a bit more planning, Eddie shadow walks the group to the Lake of Fire.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
S8 E23: God Got Got

The Fools magically make their way to catch up with Kilo or to make Kilo catch up with them. They find Kilo and his bound lady at an adult show. After confronting Loki about his identity, the Second Breakfast Club remains somewhat unconvinced by his reasoning and engages in covert God betrayal. They proceed to plan a rescue mission.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard.
Jess Owen...
S8 E22: Frankly My Dear, I Don’t Get Anagrams

The Second Breakfast Club reports back in at Newcity. Uorag communicates with the grove and gets a dangerous omen. And then…the egg hatches!
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard.
Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi Barbarian.
Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance - Human Bard.
Nico Rodriguez as your DM.
If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on o...
S8 E21: A Wizard Disguised as a Wizard Playing Another Wizard

The Second Breakfast Club reports back to Newcity. Uorag communicates with the grove and receives a foreboding omen. The Fools spend quite some time not solving an anagram. Next, they address the issue in their usual manner. The giant egg hatches. After assisting with the delivery of the egg's occupant, the Fools discover that Kilo has left and begin tracking him down.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizar...
S8 E20: Three Wishes and an Omelette

Uorag finds himself a creature of myth. After his best impression of a genie, Uorag returns to the group, and Adira’s gold bag seems suddenly lighter. A giant egg also appears in the cart, and the Fools promptly move on. With the Wild Magic over, The Second Breakfast Club sets on about their mission.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag - Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone - Human Wizard.
Jess Owen = Adira - Fire Genasi B...