The Fred Hughes Show

10 Episodes

By: Decision Ministries

The Fred Hughes Show - www.decision1.orgLight hearted discussion of Christian business development and personal inspiration.Featuring photography, graphic design, marketing and online development and communications.Always bragging about Jesus and His Kids!

S6E3-Dr. Shane Hand
Today at 5:19 AM

Dr. Shane Hand Jions Fred for a Series on Heling - #1

S6E2-Fred Hughes

John 1:1-5 
A Man apointed by God to be the greatest Prophet that had ever lived. Anointed to reveal the true light of the world, the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

S6E1-Fred Hughes

Victory Is Ours! Thuough Christ we will Thrive in 2025!
1 Corinthians 15:50-56

S5E52-Fred Hughes

Rasing Jesus-Savior of the world

S5E51-Fred Hughes

Jesus Savior of All!
Acts 10:34-48

S5E50-Fred Hughes

This season - Naughty or Nice? One big religious lie!
Let's look at two trees, no not Cheistmas trees, trees in the garden.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil, a two trunked tree. and the tree of life.
The world wants us to think Good and Evil are the two choices.

S5E49-Fred Hughes

What are you building on?
Matthew 7:21-28

S5E48-Fred Hughes

Thanksgiving Message by Fred Hughes

S5E47-Fred Hughes

Acts 11 - Peter and the reveling of the gentiles' acceptance.
This Thanksgiving we have something to be very thankful indeed

S5E46-Ramon Quezada Cobos

Ramon Reports and gives an encouraging word