The Autoimmune Hour

10 Episodes

By: Understanding Autoimmune

You are not alone.

 Join our Courage Club community of thrivers where are passion is to encourage and empower you to live well after you hear the words “you have an autoimmune condition….”

You can find the Courage Club over at 😊Did you know there are over 100 conditions that people are suffering with everyday that compromise their immune systems and if it’s not one of the “big ones” like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis you might be told it’s all in your head….Your host for The Autoimmune Hour, Sharon Sayler knows, she’s heard that over and ove...

Expert Tips for Becoming a Leading Voice in Patient Advocacy with Fibromyalgia Patient Advocate Kristal Kent
Last Friday at 8:00 PM

In recognition of Fibromyalgia Awareness Month, the latest episode of the Autoimmune Hour features host Sharon Sayler and guest Kristal Kent, an army veteran and fibromyalgia advocate. Kristal shares her self-advocacy journey and emphasizes the importance of raising awareness for invisible illnesses. She discusses how her personal experience with fibromyalgia led her to become an advocate for legislative and social media attention. Kristal also highlights 
• the need for more research and better representation of invisible illnesses. 
• the importance of self-education, tracking symptoms, and advocating for one’s health,
• the necessity for inclusivity in advocacy, representing all affected demographi...

The Healing Power of Hope + Action with Bill C. Potts

In this insightful episode of The Autoimmune Hour, host Sharon Sayler welcomes back Bill C. Potts, a five-time cancer survivor tackling his sixth battle with the disease. Bill shares more of what he’s learned on his remarkable journey of resilience and determination, emphasizing the importance of physical conditioning, the power of community, and the impact of finding purpose in helping others. 

Just some of what Bill and Sharon chat about are:
• Crushing the challenges of living immunocompromised, 
• Sharing practical tips for navigating everyday life, 
• Understanding the significance of the mental and emotional aspects of dealing wit...

My Favorite Aha Moments With Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, Dr. Connie McReynolds, and Author Jenny S Dunton

Join host Sharon Sayler as she shares three of her most recent Aha Moments with enlightening chats on brain inflammation, autoimmune conditions, chronic illnesses, and ADHD. Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, a naturopathic physician, delves into chronic fatigue and the concept of brain inflammation, advocating for an empowered approach to health. Dr. Connie McReynolds discusses misconceptions and innovative treatments for ADHD, emphasizing the importance of neuroplasticity and brain training. And author Jenny Dunton shares her nearly three-decade journey with Fibromyalgia, proposing a hopeful outlook on learning and self-discovery. Our time together shows the significance of understanding autoimmune overlaps to navigate the complexities...

Stop 'This Is Good Enough' Thinking Now

Have you ever noticed how much we tolerate without even realizing it? This week on The Autoimmune Hour, host Sharon Sayler explores with Bev Martin how identifying and overcoming tolerating behaviors or ‘this is good enough thinking’ can change our pursuit of health and wellness. 

They explore the challenges of control, the impact of language on our experiences, and how adopting a mindset of curiosity and potential can lead to profound changes in health and life satisfaction. Some of the key points they emphasize are the significance of inner kindness, self-awareness, and the courage to step into your dream...

Practical and Simple Solutions for Anxiety-Free Living from Wellness Coach Michelle Biton

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by anxiety? Discover simple steps to calm your mind and soothe your anxiety with wellness coach and author Michelle Biton and The Autoimmune Hour’s host Sharon Sayler. 

Michelle shares her journey of discovering effective anxiety management techniques while trying to help her daughter cope with severe anxiety. The emphasis is on simple, actionable steps people can take to reduce anxiety levels and manage its impact on their lives. Drawing from her background in psychology, holistic nutrition, and kinesiology, she offers listeners a variety of practical methods to manage anxiety, including
• Practical techn...

Cultivating Compassion: Finding Peace Amidst the Storm with Simone Giangiordano

In this episode of The Autoimmune Hour, host Sharon Sayler engages in a powerful conversation with return guest compassion lifestyle and business coach Simone Giangiordano, lovingly known as Simone G. Sharon and Simone  explore the transformative impact of self-compassion, especially for individuals struggling with autoimmune challenges and other health and well-being issues.

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Simone highlights how compassion can help manage chronic health conditions, including societal and personal stigma. She shares skills for advocating for a life fueled by understanding and kindness towards oneself a...

Audible Alchemy: How Sound is Food for the Nervous System with Sharon Carne, Founder of Sound Wellness

In this episode of The Autoimmune Hour, Sharon Sayler welcomes Sharon Carne, CEO of Sound Wellness Institute. They discuss sound's influence on human health, especially for those with autoimmune diseases. Ms. Carne's favorite quote, "Sound is food for the nervous system," is key.

The two Sharons delve into how different sounds can either stimulate the release of stress hormones or support calm and relaxation through the parasympathetic nervous system. Ms. Carne shares the science behind how specific tuning fork sounds can act as a superfood for the nervous system, plus
• Explore how sound acts as nourishment for th...

The Brain Inflamed: Pathways to Understanding and Recovery with Dr. Jenny Tufenkian

Did you know that brain inflammation, even when it goes unnoticed, can profoundly impact your overall health and ability to heal? The Autoimmune Hour welcomes back Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, a naturopathic physician with extensive experience in treating chronic illness and a personal experience with chronic fatigue. 

Join Dr. Jenny and host Sharon Sayler as they dive into the topic of brain inflammation. They will discuss the latest research and personal insights into this important area of study and how it affects your health and well-being. You'll learn how an overactive immune response within the brain can lead to c...

Transforming Lives: Unraveling ADHD and Brain Healing with Dr. Connie McReynolds

This episode is a beacon of hope for those seeking alternative pathways to managing ADHD and improving overall cognitive function at any age. The Autoimmune Hour’s host, Sharon Sayler, dives into the world of ADHD and brain fog recovery with Dr. Connie McReynolds, author of “Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn.”  

While emphasizing neuroplasticity and the brain’s ability to retrain through specific techniques and strategies, Sharon and Dr. Connie review the latest research on the growing diagnosis’ of ADHD in both adults and children. They also explore...

Health Warriors: Five Experts' Top Tips for Resilience, Courage & Survival

Featuring Mojo Maker Pamela Sylvan, Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond, Dr. Charryse Johnson, Transformational Life Coach Pi Venus Winslow, and quintuple cancer survivor Bill C. Potts.

Looking for some motivation to help you get through personal health struggles? Our latest show features five illuminating mini-interviews featuring Mojo Maker Pamela Sylvan, Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond, Dr. Charryse Johnson, Pi Venus Winslow, and quintuple cancer survivor Bill C. Potts on their tips for navigating the complexities of health challenges including autoimmune disorders.

Yes, it can be daunting, even overwhelming, so join us to discover what these five...