Sun Tzu Wrote
Daily pep talks Bast on Sun Tzu's ancient book The Art Of War. set to Inspire, empower, Motivate and Push toward a Better You! Get new Daily Inspiration right here!
Sun Tzu 11 When your weapons are dulled

Sun Tzu wrote, "When your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity."
Burnout is not just exhaustion—it is vulnerability. When you push yourself to the limit without rest, without recalibration, you don’t just risk failure—you risk being overtaken. Sun Tzu warns us that when we allow ourselves to become depleted, there will always be someone ready to seize the opportunity we were too tired to defendÂ
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Sun Tzu 10 If the campaign is protracted

Sun Tzu wrote, "If the campaign is protracted, the resources of the state will not be equal to the strain."
Endurance is crucial, but blind endurance is destruction. Some people pride themselves on grinding endlessly, pushing forward no matter what. They wear their exhaustion like a badge of honor. But Sun Tzu warns us: If you stretch the fight too long, if you drain your resources without securing victory, you will collapse before you reach the finish line.
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Sun Tzu 9 If you lay sirge

Sun Tzu wrote, "If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength."
Too often in life, we get locked in battles that drain us. We attack the same problems head-on, over and over, expecting different results. We waste energy trying to break through walls that won’t budge, convinced that sheer effort will bring success. But Sun Tzu teaches us that this is not the way. War, like life, is not about brute force alone—it’s about strategy, patience, and knowing when to shift tactics.
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Sun Tzu 8 Victory is Calculated

Victory Is Calculated Before the Fight
Sun Tzu wrote, “Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand.” These words are a masterclass in preparation, reminding us that success is rarely accidental. It is the result of deliberate planning, disciplined focus, and the willingness to think ahead while others act impulsively.
"Makes many calculations in his temple..." Imagine the general in his temple, poring over maps, assessing his resources, and anticipating every...
Sun Tzu 7 Victory Lies in Silence

Victory Lies in Silence and Strategy
Sun Tzu wrote, “These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.” At first glance, this might seem like a cautionary tale about keeping secrets—and it is—but it also holds a deeper truth about how we approach our goals. It’s a reminder that success isn’t just about action; it’s about deliberate, strategic, and often quiet action.
"These military devices..." Think of your dreams as a battlefield and your plans as your arsenal. Whether you’re chasing a promotion, training for a marathon, or b...
Sun Tzu 6 Attack him Where He Is Unprepared

Attack Him Where He Is Unprepared, Appear Where You Are Not Expected
Sun Tzu wrote, “Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.” While these words were penned for the art of war, they carry wisdom for conquering life’s challenges. Let’s unpack this ancient strategy and apply it to the battlefield of your dreams and goals.
"Attack him where he is unprepared." This isn’t just about facing an opponent—it’s about breaking through the obstacles in your own life. Challenges and setbacks often seem daunting because we attack them he...
Sun Tzu 5 Know yourself Know your battlefield

Sun Tzu Wrote is a podcast inspired by one of history's greatest works of strategy and wisdom: The Art of War. Written over 2,500 years ago by the legendary Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, this timeless text has transcended the battlefield to become a guide for life, leadership, and personal growth.
The Art of War is more than a manual for military commanders—it’s a masterclass in strategy, adaptability, and discipline. Sun Tzu’s teachings explore the art of understanding your environment, assessing your strengths and weaknesses, and outmaneuvering challenges with intelligence and precision. His insights remind us tha...
Sun Tzu 4 The Power of Control

The Power of Control
Sun Tzu wrote, “If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.” These words are more than just battlefield strategy—they are a masterclass in controlling the narrative and leveraging emotions to your advantage.
In life, you will encounter opponents, obstacles, and challenges that seem overwhelming. Sometimes, those who oppose you are driven by their own emotions—anger, arrogance, or impatience. Here’s the good news: when emotions take control, strategy takes a back seat. And that’s where you ga...
Sun Tzu 3 Patience and Precision lead to victory

Patience and Precision Lead to Victory
Sun Tzu writes, “Hold out to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.” These words are a reminder that strategy isn’t about constant action—it’s about timing. It’s about knowing when to act, when to wait, and when to let others underestimate you.
Life often feels like a battlefield, doesn’t it? There are challenges pressing on all sides, competition vying for the same goals, and the constant pressure to keep moving forward. But rushing headlong into every situation isn’t always the best course. Sometimes, the s...
Sun Tzu 2 Master The Art of Strategic Action

Master the Art of Strategic Action
Sun Tzu wrote, “All warfare is based on deception.” While the context was ancient battlefields, this principle echoes through every arena of life—business, personal growth, relationships, and even the pursuit of your dreams. It’s not about dishonesty; it’s about strategy. It’s about mastering the art of perception and positioning, knowing when to reveal your hand and when to hold your cards close.