The Self-Esteemed
Self-esteem: The belief we have in our ability to effectively use our minds and our reasoning ability to choose our goals and purposes and to handle the challenges that come along the way.Everything depends on your self-esteem. The type of relationships you have, your career advancement, your physical and mental health all depend on this one thing.Saying positive affirmations will not give you the success you're looking for.No book on success-philosophy will give you the success you're looking for.Being "confident" will not give you the success you're looking for."Faking it until you make it" will...
This is the final episode... Ep. 311
Here's why...
Why you'll never reach your potential - Ep. 310
Life is like a waterball0on that never runs out of the capacity to expand.
Being cheap is expensive! - Ep. 309
Do expensive stuff now, it's a lot cheaper than you think.
Why people believe economic inequality is bad. - Ep. 308
There are 3 core beliefs that people who believe economic inequality is bad have that are false.
Fear keeps wages down! - Ep. 307
Yes, big corporations want to pay you the least amount possible. Here's how the school system helps them do that.
Where there is an absent father... - Ep. 306
There is an absent mother.
The problem with [insert here] rights! - Ep. 305
There's only one right and everything else is a divide and conquer tactic.
The problem with our "freedoms" - Ep. 304
What we really have are privileges that can be taken away at a whim...
Everyone works 70hrs a week - Ep. 303
Work doesn't stop when the laptop closes...
Abstraction and loneliness - Ep. 302
Abstraction without personal application leads to loneliness!