The Word at Westminster

10 Episodes

By: Westminster

Learning and living God's Word. Talks, studies, interviews, sermons and more from Westminster Church in Barrie, Canada

The Intel Report No.2 – ‘Demons, Possession & Exorcism’

The Intel Report is a fairly new initiative. Every so often an interview or talk with be featured that presents a big idea from the world. “Intel” means “intelligence.” The “front” is a reference the “front lines” of a battle. These topics will cover a range of ideas but are meant to equip you as a modern disciple to be more informed, and to help you think through what is going on around you.Edition #2 is an interview with Dr Richard Gallagher, a board-certified psychiatrist and professor of psychiatry. Originally a skeptic, he has become the world’s leading psychiatric authority on demon...

May Integrity and Uprightness Protect Me (Sermon)

How do we protect ourselves from threats? How do we stay safe, not only for ourselves but for those we care about? In answering these questions we often think of things like locks on our doors, safety bunkers, surveillance cameras or first-aid kits. In this sermon on Psalm 25 we explore one of the most important ways to protect ourselves. But instead of being something which happens outside of us, it is something that happens inside of each one of us. What could David have meant when he — as a sinful person who experienced guilt, fear and affliction — said, “May integrity and up...

Never Outnumbered (Sermon)

It’s a story of intrigue and mystery. The King of Syria wants to hunt down the powerful prophet Elisha. Physically speaking, Elisha is outnumbered. That’s when we get a glimpse into the unseen spiritual realm and discover the real numbers: there are horses and chariots of fire all around the mountain ready for action. Even though they can only be seen by faith, they are still there and are very much real. This sermon unpacks 2 Kings 6:8-23, invites us to consider how God has structured reality (both visibly and invisibly), and suggests three applications for living by faith, not...

Fearing God first (Sermon)

What gives someone courage? Are people “born with it”? Or do they obtain it somehow? Some people have an exceptional experience that makes them feel invincible. Others build up what we might call “courage muscle” by repeatedly doing the right thing in difficult circumstances. But then there’s a third factor. And it’s open to anyone who trusts God. This sermon unpacks Psalm 27, the one which famously begins with these words: “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” In it we learn what it...

Deconstructing Christianity? – A talk with Tim Barnett

“Deconstruction.” It’s trending. It’s a word that is used when people radically re-think, re-shape, or sometimes even walk away from their faith. It’s not necessarily the same as having doubts. Having doubts is normal from time to time. This, however, is something different. It is an organized movement to undermine many of the beliefs of the Christian faith without using the Bible as a standard. You probably know someone who has re-shaped their faith in a way that seems “off,” but you’re not exactly sure how or why. Perhaps you want to better understand what is happening, eithe...

You can only have harmony if you’re singing the same song (Sermon)

Let’s say two people want to sing in harmony. Person 1 starts with the melody and then Person 2… sings a totally different song! Obviously, it’s not going to work. But if both people are on the same page, wonderful things happen! To state the obvious, you can only have harmony if you’re singing the same song. Harmony isn’t just about music. It’s about life. Powerful (and beautiful) unity occurs when there is agreement about key priorities and God’s order–which is always good for those involved. This sermon explores Colossians 3:18-4:18. In this text, Paul talks about marr...

Dr. James Watson answers questions about the church as an invitational community

In this special podcast, Pastor Ruttan and Pastor Alton Ruff interview Dr. James Watson about the church as an Invitational Community. Have you ever wondered how people experience a church when visiting for the first time? This interview includes questions that were submitted by individuals after a talk Dr. Watson gave to the Presbytery of Barrie in May 2024. He is a Research Fellow at the Canadian Institute for Empirical Church Research at Wycliffe College.

‘I can smell the hands of fishermen’ (Sermon)

Over the past many centuries, the followers of Jesus have been through a lot of ups and downs. Over time we can lose (a) our sense of connection to those who have gone before, and (b) focus. Standing before the crowds, Jesus taught the now-famous Parable of the Sower. In it he provides a collective focus and unity for his people no matter their century. This sermon explores Luke 8:4-15 and eight specific takeaways for a time that is starting to feel a lot more like the 1st century than the 20th. As we share Jesus’ word and do his wo...

10 Popular Things Jesus Said

See and Live (Sermon)

A sermon from service on May 26, 2024 by William Min, our Coordinator of Youth & Outreach. He focused on drawing from the story of the bronze snake in Numbers (21:4-9) and John 3:7-15 with the key verses being v14-15 “And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”