10 Episodes

By: Damon Socha

Depression, Bipolar & Anxiety disorder discussion from the Latter-Day Saint perspective. Living the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints within the borders and walls of mental illness. A discussion about living the gospel while struggling with mental illness specifically depression, bipolar and anxiety disorders. Anyone with questions or comments about this podcast can contact the author through email.

Episode #225 - Love Me
Last Sunday at 11:00 PM

We all wonder at times whether the Lord loves us.  We wonder if our relationship is growing.  Many times we desperately seek and hope to feel that love.  I hope this message helps you to see just how loved you are.

Episode #224 - Unclean

As the lepers cried out during Christ's day so do others whose fate is similar to the lepers.  Addiction affects more than the person who is suffering.  It is a power of mind and body that needs the power of the Savior.

Episode #223 - Moving Mountains of Doubt

I hope that you enjoy this episode.  It has always been one of my favorites and perhaps one of the more relevant ones to my life.

Episode #222 - Deep Desires - Infertility-Single Life-Divorce

For many members and individuals blessings such as marriage, children and a loving spouse have not yet materialized.  It can be a deeply painful experience to have righteous desires left unfulfilled without answers.  Trials of righteous desires can be perhaps the most painful in one's life.  Finding peace and joy can be a difficult process fraught with doubt, unworthiness, and sleepless nights.  I hope that this podcast can bring a small measure of peace.

Episode #221 - The Enemy of Our Souls

When we can see Lucifer’s attacks for what they really are and how he works, when we are suffering from emotional and mental health issues.  We will find defenses, avoidance techniques and spiritual awareness important to our mental health. 

Episode #220 - Applying the Power of the Atonement

In preparation for Easter, I would like to return to one of my favorite episodes.  When we better understand the nature of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we will possess greater power to access the powers of healing, understanding, grace and mercy.

Episode #219 - Emotional Exhaustion

So often in this world of pressures, priorities and pledges to succeed, we find the wreckage of the emotionally exhausted individual.  One who has pushed beyond their emotional and physical capacity and found a crevasse so dark and deep, it is difficult to see anything much less a way out.  

Episode #218 - HeartBreak

Heartbreak or the loss of a close emotional connection is one of the most common ways in which mental and emotional health issues arise in our lives.  Our close friends, spouse and family can literally become a part of our identity.  When we lose these people it can be as though we have lost ourselves.

Episode #217 - An Epidemic of Perfectionism

There is a social crisis through out the world and within the church. We are becoming a society of perfectionists. And anxiety and perfectionism are consistent companions.

Episode #216 - Sexual Abuse and Assault - Healing and Hope

Sexual abuse and assault are perhaps the most heinous type of sin perpetrated upon the innocent victim.  The wounds can run deep and cause great distress leading to mental and emotional health concerns.  The Lord weeps for those who suffer and desires that they find his healing balm with the embrace of the Atonement of Christ.