What Do You Think?
A bilingual podcast in Mandarin and English. All about working holidays, exchange programs, studying abroad, and THIRD CULTURE KIDS!
Reason For Your Email + Replying

All You Need To Know About Lunar New Year

What's the meaning behind Lunar New Year? What are some traditions? And why is it Snake year?
How To Write A Business Email (Part One)

要如何介紹自己 + 寫email 的開頭 How do you introduce yourself and start an email with a friendly starter.
基礎- Two Friends Choosing What To Watch On T.V.

聽聽看這個對話 — 你想看什麼? 今天有什麼可以看? 我們可以看 reality show 不要啦,每一次都叫他們去做一些奇奇怪怪的事情 好吧... 那不然看這個重播的! 我已經看 N次了 欸欸這個現在排名大家都在看 好啊!
Cheers to 2024

What Do You Think of 2024?
Do You Hate Choosing Gifts? Listen To These Tips 你也很討厭選禮物嗎?

來聽5 個買禮物的訣竅!
The Christmas Train 溫馨的聖誕節習俗

Does your family have any Christmas Traditions? 聽聽看這個爸爸打造聖誕節的氣氛
My Christmas Santa Grandpa 這位阿公也太用心了吧!

Christmas isn't just about spreading joy with family, but also to those who need it. 聖誕節不只是單單跟家人過而已
Christmas Story #1 ($19.95)

A young boy, devastated by rumors that Santa isn’t real, embarks on a heartfelt Christmas mission with his grandmother.... 一個小男孩因聖誕老人不是真實存在的謠言而難過,他與阿嬤一起開始了一個重要的聖誕任務...
What do these mean? Scrooge, Happy Holidays, May Your Days Be Merry And Bright

不確認一個人的信仰還是會說 Merry Christmas 嗎? 很討厭聖誕節的人該怎麼稱呼他呢? 聖誕節 跟跨年後才會再見,該怎麼說呢?