A Place to Grow

10 Episodes

By: Stephen R. Hill

Stephen R. Hill is the pastor of Spirit Life Church International in Hurst, Texas. He has been sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by radio with thousands over the past 20 years on his program A Place to Grow. His teaching approach connects biblical truth with everyday practical living. His messages are bold, uncensored, and unapologetic for diving scriptural principles. This podcast is not for the faint of heart. However, if you want God's timeless wisdom for the days we live in, join us daily for spiritual motivation.

Who Is the Holy Spirit? Part 2

People who attach receiving money with giving out miracles are on shaky ground. We should never use the power of the Holy Spirit as a means to benefit monetarily. Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, thought he could get wealthy as a byproduct of God using his master to operate in the supernatural.

Who Is the Holy Spirit? Part 1

The church teaches a gospel predominantly about the Father and the Son but there are fewer messages about the Holy Spirit. However, Jesus placed much importance on the Holy Spirit as a catalyst for helping understand God’s destiny for our lives.

Dare to Change Your Destiny Part 2

You have got to understand that your life was given to you by God to accomplish specific goals from before you were born. We are to ask for his direction in all that we do and he will clearly guide us in the path we should go.

Dare to Change Your Destiny Part 1

At the outset of new seasons, like a new year, God challenges us. We can have our best year of blessing ever if we dare to submit ourselves totally and completely to God’s will.

Steps to Emotional Healing Part 2

God can heal your emotional wounds if you allow him to. You can hide your feelings and shut people out of your emotions, suffering in silence, but God can bring you healing if you ask him to and seek wholeness from him.

Steps to Emotional Healing Part 1

We are living in a time that it is estimated that hundreds of millions of people are daily affected by mental and emotional health issues. It is vital for us to share the good news of salvation and healing with those around us regardless of the sickness that is troubling them. Jeremiah 30:17 says, “I will restore health to you and bring healing to your bones.”

Don't Be Fooled Part 2

Don’t be deceived about obedience: you can’t earn your salvation but obedience to God is the result of becoming His child. 1 John 3:7 says that obedience is not work, obedience shows that you are child of God.

Don't Be Fooled Part 1

Don’t be deceived about the devil. In Revelation 20:10, we read that the devil will be cast into the lake of fire. There will be an end to Satan someday but while we’re waiting for that time, we need to remember that God is greater than the enemy and that we are more than conquerors through Christ.

How to Receive Healing Part 2

Statistics say 99% of deaths are caused by sickness and disease. There’s even research indicating that God created the body to sustain itself. Based on this, no one should die but because sin entered the world, people perish physically. Sin introduced disease and death into the world.

How to Receive Healing Part 1

There are different religious opinions about whether God still heals. We must decide what we believe individually about this topic since those who don’t believe in healing can heavily influence those who are believing for divine intervention in their lives.