Capitol Ministries Weekly Bible Study

10 Episodes

By: Ralph Drollinger

Listen to the Bible studies taught weekly in D.C. in our House, Senate, and Former WH Cabinet Member Bible studies. It is through Christ that real change begins!

What Would Haggai Say to D.C. Officeholders?
Today at 11:35 AM

America’s challenges seem to be increasing exponentially. Are political solutions, policies, and elections the total answer? Are they the ultimate way to fix these problems? Are they the way to properly diagnose, remedy, and cure our increasingly complex national ailments? 

We need to peer for only seconds into a tiny two-chapter Old Testament book, the book of Haggai, to catch an enormously different perspective and analysis—a heavenly, transcendent perspective, God’s perspective—as to what the real, underlying problem is: the book of Haggai more than suggests that it is a spiritual one.

The Importance of Faithfulness in the Life of the Believer

How do we facilitate more men and women in public office who are mature in Christ—governing authorities who have not only the courage to fight the right battles but also the strength, faithfulness, and perseverance to go the distance?

How to Effect Change and Growth in Your Life

The Bible has much to say about how a person can change; as a matter of fact, the Scriptures reveal that those who are in Christ will change for the better. But how exactly does this change happen?

Hermeneutics: Can You Make the Bible Say What You Want?

Hermeneutics is the art and science of scriptural interpretation. In my years of ministry, I have discovered that most people do not even realize there are differing schools of biblical interpretation, let alone understand them. In this study I will attempt to educate you on today’s major hermeneutical schools and help you gain a rudimentary understanding of each. After all, how you interpret Scripture shapes your worldview. For public servants, worldview is crucial because it informs the construct of policy formation! This study is, therefore, foundational to your wisdom quotient and your ability to properly ascertain why people think the...

Should You Argue from the Bible in a Secular Capitol?

Paul’s practice pertaining to this question led to at least one political leader’s coming to Christ (Acts 17:34)!

Leading the Family Devotions at Christmas

Christmas is a time you can build your family culture: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, says Joshua in Joshua 24:15.

Better Understanding the Believer’s Future Judgment

Are you spending, wasting, or investing your life? Are you having the maximum impact on the maximum number of people for all of eternity? Answering these huge, sobering questions with integrity requires solitude, introspection, prayer, and sobriety.

Gather your courage and immerse yourself into these passages. How will you adjust or refine your life’s direction as a result of digesting what follows?

Who Are the Guides in Your Life?

"Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.”

Choose the right guides in life. Here's how...

Leading Thanksgiving Devotions with Your Family

If the trajectory of our country is going to change, it must begin with our hearts. America’s systemic problem is spiritual in nature; therefore, we must first steward our own hearts and the hearts of our families before speaking about changing the direction of our country; anything less is hypocritical. May God use the following thoughts to aid in crafting a special, constructive day centered in our love for Jesus. Let us give thanks for all He has done for us!

Better Understanding Why the Unregenerate Don’t Always Vote Right

You can't expect someone who rejects the author of Scripture to accept the precepts of His book. The greatest need—new life in Christ!Â